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与 get it 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Possums, your with me. Manny you take care of, Ellie until we get back:负鼠,你们跟我来 曼尼,你照顾好艾莉,等我们回来

Just sit tight, we're coming! Ther... | Possums, your with me. Manny you take care of, Ellie until we get back.|负鼠,你们跟我来 曼尼,你照顾好艾莉,等我们回来 | Manny, it's alright. I got your back. Now ...

I get pedicures:我做美甲了

- Someone's on the phone for you. - We weren't picking up. It's Amanda.|- 有人打电话,找你的. - 我们在过滤电话呢,是阿蔓达! | I get pedicures.|我做美甲了! | Hi, Amanda.|嗨,阿蔓达!

Hurry up and get That chest tube working:快点 把胸腔导管插好

Stop talking.|别说话 | Hurry up and get That chest tube working.|快点 把胸腔导管插好 | Okay, I got it.|好的 我明白

Well, I'll wire the money from my account, and we'll go get Stephen:用我的钱汇款 然后去接

Okay.|好 | Well, I'll wire the money from my account, and we'll go get Stephen.|用我的钱汇款 然后去接Stephen | It's a lot.|是一大笔钱

Get him out banging the drum for the war bond drive, that kind of thing:去为战争公债做宣传之类的事

Dike's being transferred? No, I can't help you with that...|戴克... | Get him out banging the drum for the war bond drive, that kind of thing.|去为战争公债做宣传之类的事 | It turns out I've been plucked...

get a two-inch needle stuck into his arm while he was under hypnosis:在催眠的状态下,胳膊上扎了一个两英寸的针

Yes. Narrow-minded. I saw a guy in my class...是的,偏见.... | ...get a two-inch needle stuck into his arm while he was under hypnosis....在催眠的状态下,胳膊上扎了一个两英寸的针. | You're making it up.这...

He's a trustee,ones with a high security clearance:他得到信任 有更高的通行许可 )

I don't get it. How does he get in there? ( 我不明白 他怎... | He's a trustee,ones with a high security clearance. ( 他得到信任 有更高的通行许可 ) | - Why him? - He can be trusted. ( -为什么是他? -他可...

Time enough to get over someone:是忘记某人的时候了

Yeah. It was time.|是啊,时候到了 | Time enough to get over someone?|是忘记某人的时候了? | To realize sometimes you can forget the past.|是明白自己能忘却过去的时候

tie the knot = get married:结婚

97. It brings me to a new level of fluency in English. 它提高了我的英文流利程度. | 98. tie the knot = get married结婚 | 99. at the wedding ceremony 在结婚典礼上

You get the thumbs down from the crowd, Hauser:你现在被大众唾弃,豪泽

Let's not end it like this, like savages in a theme park.|不要这样收场嘛 怎么可以在主题... | You get the thumbs down from the crowd, Hauser.|你现在被大众唾弃,豪泽 | You're obsolete, dude.|你已经没用了,...

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Get It While It's Hot
Get It To Get Her
Get It Like You Like It
Get Up & Get It
Get Up And Get It
Get It Get It
Get It Get It
Get It Wrong, Get It Right
Get It Get It
Get It How We Get It / Splack - Interlude

front slagging:前方除渣(熔铁炉)

"准星","front sight" | "前方除渣(熔铁炉)","front slagging" | "前弹簧","front spring"

make noise:吵闹、发出嘈杂声

85.see to照料、注意; | 86.make noise吵闹、发出嘈杂声; | 87.stare at凝视;

derivative equaliser:孔径均衡器、微分均衡器、群时延均衡器、延迟

aperture corrector with delay line 带有延迟线的... | aperture equaliser, derivative equaliser, group delay equaliser, delay 孔径均衡器、微分均衡器、群时延均衡器、延迟 | apparatus electric circuit 电子篱笆;...