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与 get it 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I think that this idea we get, that if you get to know someone, if you humanize them:我认为我们学到的是 如果你了解某人,和他们产生感情

he might have liked them, to... | I think that this idea we get, that if you get to know someone, if you humanize them,|我认为我们学到的是 如果你了解某人,和他们产生感情 | it stops you from pulling the ...

Yesterday, I get mugged:昨天我才被抢

- It was an accident. - This was not an accident.|-那只是意外... | Yesterday, I get mugged,|昨天我才被抢 | now I can't even get a taxi - and I can always get a taxi. My karma is shot.|现在连一辆计程车都...

get on the stick 1:积极行动起来,开始精神饱满地工作 2). [俚语]控制局面

68. get one's own back on someone [主英国口语]以牙还牙,报复 | 69. get on the stick 1). 积极行动起来,开始精神饱满地工作 2). [俚语]控制局面 | 70. get on with it 抓紧干;提高效率

Get out of my gear. Get the fuck out of my gear:把我的衣服脱下来 快把衣服还给我

We've got a job.|我们要出任务了 | Get out of my gear. Get the fuck out of my gear!|把我的衣服脱下来 快把衣服还给我 | Let's go! Move, lady, it's a fuckin' fire!|快点,小姐,那是一场火灾

get slopped:[美国俚语]喝醉

get sick 生病. | get slopped [美国俚语]喝醉. | get small thanks for it 白做.

get worse:转坏

get with it 赶上时髦 | get worse 转坏 | get 获得

I'm saying, sometimes you get a knock on the head, you get speciaI powers:我是说, 有时候你脑子撞坏了 你就有了特异功能

No, not at all. lt means it's all in ... | I'm saying, sometimes you get a knock on the head, you get speciaI powers.|我是说, 有时候你脑子撞坏了 你就有了特异功能 | lt happens all the time. Read a comic...

it just gets bigger and scarier:它就会变得更大更恐怖

No, if you put it away, you put it in a drawer,|可要是你把它... | it just gets bigger and scarier.|它就会变得更大更恐怖 | Here, it's right here. We see it every day. It can't get us.|而把它贴在这 我们每...

Get freaked out, get weirder out:抓狂

88. 最好:Best bet, it is better to do | 89. 抓狂:Get freaked out, get weirder out | 90. 赶快:Shake a leg, in a hurry

Get me the generals! Get me the admirals! The Romans are attacking:叫将领们就位,罗马人要入侵了

Where's my navy? Where's my army?|我的舰队在哪里? 我的舰... | Get me the generals! Get me the admirals! The Romans are attacking|叫将领们就位,罗马人要入侵了 | It's Marc Antony, Your Majesty!|是梅克安东...

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Get It While It's Hot
Get It To Get Her
Get It Like You Like It
Get Up & Get It
Get Up And Get It
Get It Get It
Get It Get It
Get It Wrong, Get It Right
Get It Get It
Get It How We Get It / Splack - Interlude

Elite Guard BUMBLEBEE- Autobot Speedster:精英卫队版大黄蜂-汽车人疾速战士

Bumblebee- Autobot Speedster/大黄蜂-汽车人疾速战士 | Elite Guard BUMBLEBEE- Autobot Speedster/精英卫队版大黄蜂-汽车人疾速战士 | Grimlock-Dinobot Leader/钢锁-机器恐龙领袖

Micheal jackson:最喜欢的作家

现在最喜欢的音乐专辑Speechless | 最喜欢的作家Micheal jackson | 现在最喜欢的游戏Tennis


hysterogenous 表成次生沉积的 | hysteromorphous 表成次生沉积的 | Hysterophyta 真菌