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get it相关的网络解释

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与 get it 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Get on with it:继续

- What is it now? 现在如何? | - Get on with it! 继续! | - Well? 什么?

Get on with it:跟上

What is it now?接着呢? | Get on with it!跟上! | I can hardly wait!我等不及了!

get on it:快去做

724见鬼,抓紧时间 God damn it, kick some ass. | 725快去做! Get on it! | 726我想你可以说 I guess you could say

Get over it, Royce:别生气,罗伊斯

So she digs the creepshow.|那么 她欣赏那种家伙 . | Get over it, Royce.|别生气,罗伊斯. | It's just Johnny Money.|只是钱币老爷而已.

Oh, get over it:哦,让它过去吧

- Don't chicken out now. - Chicken out? He cheated.|- 不要就这么放弃了 - ... | Oh, get over it.|哦,让它过去吧 | It was years ago, all right? With some slutty friend of yours.|这事情都过去很多年了,好吗?...

Oh, get over it:忘了吧

-Chicken out? He cheated.退缩?他偷情了. | -Oh,get over it.忘了吧. | It was years ago,all right? With some slutty friend of yours.那是多年之前的事情了,而且当时你的朋友也很随便.

Hey! Get over it:去!去突破啊

well it's all somebody's fault. 反正那些都是別人的錯 | Hey! Get over it! 去!去突破啊 | Makes you sick, makes you ill, 讓你噁心,逼你邪惡

get the best of it:(在比赛或辩论中)获胜; 获得成功 (在交易等中)占到便宜, 获得最大好处

have the best of 胜过...; 对...占优势 从...中... | get the best of it (在比赛或辩论中)获胜; 获得成功 (在交易等中)占到便宜, 获得最大好处 | have the best of it (在比赛或辩论中)获胜; 获得成功 (在交易等中)...

Get to the bottom of it:打破沙锅问到底

For what it's worth.你说了算 | Get to the bottom of it.打破沙锅问到底 | Give me a break!饶了我吧!拜托!

It's easy to get trapped:很容易就把自己套进去了

可追高的风险大啊but it is very risky. | 很容易就把自己套进去了 It's easy to get trapped. | 有经验的啊 都会低价抄底More experienced traders buy low

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Get It While It's Hot
Get It To Get Her
Get It Like You Like It
Get Up & Get It
Get Up And Get It
Get It Get It
Get It Get It
Get It Wrong, Get It Right
Get It Get It
Get It How We Get It / Splack - Interlude

tape certifier:磁带保证书

磁带认证 tape certification | 磁带保证书 tape certifier | 带通道 tape channel


dust-freeworkshop 无尘车间 | dust-laden 充满尘埃的 | dust-ladenair 有尘空气

Space Chimps:猩戰前傳 動作遊戲

Sonic: Unleashed索尼克:能量釋放 動作冒險遊戲 | Space Chimps猩戰前傳 動作遊戲 | Spectral Force 3 Innocent Rage 聖魔戰記3 無罪的狂熱 策略模擬遊戲