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get it相关的网络解释

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与 get it 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

eg: It's hard to get down to work after a nice holiday:度过了愉快的假日后,很难认真投入工作

4. get down to 开始认真考虑 | eg: It's hard to get down to work after a nice holiday. 度过了愉快的假日后,很难认真投入工作. | I really must get down to writing my report. 我真的要认真写我的报告了.

Get rid of it:扔掉

16.Junk this thing. It's broken.(这东西破了,把它 扔掉算了. | 17.Get rid of it.扔掉! | 18.Forget about it!;(算了吧!)

He says he will get round to it next week:他说下周将抽出时间去做那件事

get round to腾出时间来做 | He says he will get round to it next week.他说下周将抽出时间去做那件事. | get the better/best of打败, 智胜/ 战胜,从...中得到最大益处

get the best of it:(在比赛或辩论中)获胜. 获得成功

get the best of everything 什么都享受最好的, 养尊处优. | get the best of it (在比赛或辩论中)获胜. 获得成功. | get the best out of 最有效地使用. 发挥...最大功效.

Pretty soon, the papers get wind of it. They ran with it:很快,媒体听说此事|并大幅报导

We'll finish what the law couldn't|我们要在法... | Pretty soon, the papers get wind of it. They ran with it...|很快,媒体听说此事|并大幅报导... | ...and oh, boy, we're a national pastime|噢,老天,我们就闻...

Not that it happens that often, but I get scared about it:虽然不经常发生 但我对此有点儿怕了

you know, 'cause thinking can make it happen.|你知道,如果一直想的话 也许事情就... | Not that it happens that often, but I get scared about it.|虽然不经常发生 但我对此有点儿怕了 | We all do.|我们都是这样

Don't get a stomach-ache over it. Just sell them:别因为这个胃疼 卖了它们

- And it's hard for me to... - Don't make it a big deal.|-对我来说很难 -别... | Don't get a stomach-ache over it. Just sell them.|别因为这个胃疼 卖了它们 | Give it to a charity. Move on.|捐给慈善机构 就...

Get out of it:[俚]别吹啦! 别胡扯啦

get out of 逐渐放弃, 避免拔出 弄出问出, 打听出 | Get out of it! [俚]别吹啦! 别胡扯啦! | get over 越[爬]过克服 忍受复原, 痊愈完成走完[口]忘记[俚]说服, 使了解

get with it:赶上时髦

get wind of 得知 | get with it 赶上时髦 | get worse 转坏

When are you going to get with it:你们什么时候开始认真地去做这件事

21 Get to the point. 讲要点! | 22 Let's get together after work. 工作完了以后,我们聚一下. | 24 When are you going to get with it? 你们什么时候开始认真地去做这件事?

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Get It While It's Hot
Get It To Get Her
Get It Like You Like It
Get Up & Get It
Get Up And Get It
Get It Get It
Get It Get It
Get It Wrong, Get It Right
Get It Get It
Get It How We Get It / Splack - Interlude


luciferin 荧光素 | lucifugal 避光的 | lucimycin 鲁斯霉素 光明霉素

order of approximation:近似等级

金文 bell-cauldron inscription, bronze inscription | 近似等级 order of approximation | 竞争和聚合 compete and converge


人和杂食性家畜如猪、犬和猫,以及野生肉食动物,如狐、狼、狗熊、貂和海象以及鼠类等...由巴贝斯科 (Babesiidae) 的原虫所引起的一种梨形虫...由圆形动物门线虫纲(Nematoda)毛圆科(Trichost-rongylidae)血矛属 (Haemonchus)的线虫所引起的一种