英语人>网络解释>gear wheel 相关的网络解释
gear wheel相关的网络解释

查询词典 gear wheel

与 gear wheel 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Gear box's base:牙箱底

gear box's cover牙箱盖 | Gear box's base牙箱底 | wheel holder压件

epicycloidal wheel:外摆轮,外摆线轮

epicycloidal or planetary gear train 周转轮系 | epicycloidal wheel 外摆轮,外摆线轮 | epicycloidal wheel tooth 外摆线齿轮


(1) 圆筒蜗轮齿轮(Worm gear):圆筒蜗轮齿轮为蜗杆(Worm)及齿轮(Wheel)之总称. (1) 依滚齿刀(HOB)之创成法 (本厂用之方法)以滚齿刀(Gear Hob)创生加工齿形之同时,顺便将齿轮之外径滚削或将齿顶部倒角切削,

chain wheel:持链轮

chain wheel type skylight control gear 链轮式天窗传动装置 | chain wheel 持链轮 | chain wheel 链轮

Source bull wheel:源大齿轮

1,源正齿轮Source spur gear | 2,源大齿轮Source bull wheel | 3,优源齿轮Superior source gear

wheel gauge:车轮量规

wheel front support ==> 车轮前悬挂支架 | wheel gauge ==> 车轮量规 | wheel gear ==> 齿轮

worm wheel measuring instrument:涡轮测量仪

15、齿轮测量机 gear measuring machine | 16、涡轮测量仪 worm wheel measuring instrument | 1、圆锥齿轮双面啮合综合测量仪 bevel gear dual-flank meshing measuring instrument

Pin wheel Z:针轮

Pin gear, pin wheel Z针轮 | Pin wheel Z针轮 | Pin wheel housing Z针齿壳

variable-speed wheel gear:变速轮

variable-speed unit ==> 无级变速装置 | variable-speed wheel gear ==> 变速轮 | variable-stroke engine ==> 可変ストロークエンジン

The steering gear is not in step with the steering wheel:舵机和舵轮的运动不一致

71. 请检查一下尾轴锥形部分. Please check the conical ... | 72. 舵机和舵轮的运动不一致. The steering gear is not in step with the steering wheel. | 73. 舵角指示器的误差太大. The error of the rudder angl...

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Proxy Proxy:代理

Protocol: Protocol: 通訊協定: | Proxy Proxy 代理 | Re-request Authorization Re-request Authorization 重新請求批准

insurmountable odds:这里指不可战胜的神话

go before the cameras:开拍 | insurmountable odds:这里指不可战胜的神话 | flick:[俚]电影

24-hour customer helpline:24小时客户服务热线

26. Affinity and cobranded credit cards 亲和卡,联名信用卡 | 27. 24-hour customer helpline 24小时客户服务热线 | 28. Priority banking 优先银行服务