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与 full-blown 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Your Messiah will have a moustache, too, and a full beard:你的救世主也会有胡子 而且有落腮胡

In the East, the monster with the big moustache. Th... | Your Messiah will have a moustache, too, and a full beard.|你的救世主也会有胡子 而且有落腮胡 | No. The messiahs are all in politics, and they ar...

o Full medium length white beard:长长的白胡子

o Bald 秃头 | o Full medium length white beard 长长的白胡子 | ? Peasant 农民

full blast:全风量操作

鼓风湿度blast humidity | 全风量操作full blast | 慢风under blowing

full blast:震耳欲聋

B:Why?为什么? | 1、震耳欲聋full blast | A:I'd like to change an apartment.我想换个地方住.

full blood:纯种,纯血统

纯威士忌酒/straight whiskey | 纯种,纯血统/full blood | 鹑笛/quail pipe

FBE Full Blood Examination:全血检查

FBC Feedback Control 反馈控制 | FBE Full Blood Examination 全血检查 | FBG Fasting Blood Glucose 空腹血糖

FBP Full Blood Picture:全血相

FBP Filtered Back Projection 滤过反向投影 | FBP Full Blood Picture 全血相 | FBR Fast Breeder Reactor 快中子增殖反应堆

a full blood work up:全套血液检查

Your client's hada muscle biopsy,|你的客户做了肌肉活检 | a full blood work up,|全套血液检查 | Jeff is in the lucas wing.|杰是卢卡的队员

You need full board approval to get rid of me. I've got Cuddy:你需要得到全部董事会的同意 才能开除我.但我会有Cuddy的支持

Because you've got money, and I've got tenure.|因... | You need full board approval to get rid of me. I've got Cuddy.|你需要得到全部董事会的同意 才能开除我.但我会有Cuddy的支持 | Right. And Wilson.|- 是的...

full brother:亲兄弟

foster brother 奶兄弟 | full brother 亲兄弟 | whole brother 亲兄弟

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Young Dumb And Full Of It
Full Moon Song
Full Circle
8 Full Hours Of Sleep
Full Of Fire
Living In A House Full Of Love
Amazing Because It Is (Full Version)
Fist Full Of Dollars "Green Eyes"
Head Full Of Doubt / Road Full Of Promise
Full Moon Full Of Love


perilymph 外淋巴 | perilymphangitis 淋巴管周炎 | perimeter 视野计


won 元 | matta 对(没错) | jeulgeoptta 愉快

Phototactic behaviour:趋光行为

有关研究为生物监测提供了一种很有应用前景的方法.但是,该方法尚处于研究初期,在理论与应用方面所积累的资料很少,国内尚无有关的研究.因此,利用溞科浮游生物的趋光行为(phototactic behaviour)监测环境中的污染物质,