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In autumn the leaves change from green to yellow:秋天树叶由绿变黄

In autumn the leaves change from green to yellow. 秋天树叶由绿变黄. | change one's mind 改变主... | 5. Every year they send 100 volunteers to teach in China's rural areas. 每年他们派出100名志愿者到中国...

In autumn the leaves change from green to brown:秋天树叶由绿色变成黄褐色

14. A chance meeting brought the two old friends together... | 15. In autumn the leaves change from green to brown.秋天树叶由绿色变成黄褐色. | 16. If we are to avoid defeat we need a change of leaders...

This line leads from a hatch in the coal room to this pipe system here:这条线从加煤房的舱门口到管道四通 )

- It starts in the basement. - Okay. ( - 是从地... | This line leads from a hatch in the coal room to this pipe system here. ( 这条线从加煤房的舱门口到管道四通 ) | And that runs to the infirmary. ( 而这...

I was asked to get a price discount from your company:我专程来与贵公司商订降价协议

30.As far as the base price is concerned, we want to do it ... | 43.I was asked to get a price discount from your company.我专程来与贵公司商订降价协议. | 44.I'm sorry. I've already given you our lowes...

Were moved from place to place, like intelligent foundlings:四处流徙,像聪慧的弃儿

家园破败后,无辜的桌椅 After the homestead had dilapidated, ... | 四处流徙,像聪慧的弃儿, Were moved from place to place, like intelligent foundlings | 被大街捡拾、送到了潘家园,Picked up and sent to Panji...

We hoe the garden to keep down the weeds:我們鋤花園裡的地以免雜草叢生

5.keep from progressing or growing;prevent from increa... | *We hoe the garden to keep down the weeds.我們鋤花園裡的地以免雜草叢生. | *He has found out a new way to keep down weeds in paddy fields.他們...

I bit my lip to keep from screaming your name:我得咬住嘴唇 才能不叫出你的名字

Oh, Bob, he was nothing compared to you.|小包,跟你比他算什么 | I bit my lip to keep from screaming your name.|我得咬住嘴唇 才能不叫出你的名字 | Well, that makes me feel so good.|很高兴听你这么讲

to the penthouses on Park Avenue:到艾维纽公园的露天房

00:41:23 from the row houses of Astoria 从阿斯托瑞亚... | 00:41:25 to the penthouses on Park Avenue, 到艾维纽公园的露天房, | 00:41:27 from the projects in the Bronx to the lofts in Soho, 从布朗克斯的工地...

She walks alone from wall to wall:她独自步行从墙墙

Though my love wants to relieve her.虽然我爱她想减轻. | She walks alone from wall to wall.她独自步行从墙墙. | Lost in a hall, she cant hear me.失去了大厅,她听到我斜面.

She walks alone from wall to wall:但她只是孤独地从这端走到那端

though my love wants to relieve her 尽管我想用自己的爱令她解... | she walks alone from wall to wall 但她只是孤独地从这端走到那端 | lost in her hall she can't hear me 她无法听到我的声音 渐渐地消失在走廊的...

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I Learned How To Love From You
From Her Lips To God's Ears (The Energizer)
Shame On You (To Keep My Love From Me)
Shame On You (To Keep My Love From Me) (Radio Edit)
Just To Feel This Love From You
From The Ritz To The Rubble
From Shapeless To Breakable
Girl From Ipanema Goes To Greenland
Journey From A To B
Leave It All To Shine / Leave It All To Me (Theme From iCarly)

front slagging:前方除渣(熔铁炉)

"准星","front sight" | "前方除渣(熔铁炉)","front slagging" | "前弹簧","front spring"

make noise:吵闹、发出嘈杂声

85.see to照料、注意; | 86.make noise吵闹、发出嘈杂声; | 87.stare at凝视;

derivative equaliser:孔径均衡器、微分均衡器、群时延均衡器、延迟

aperture corrector with delay line 带有延迟线的... | aperture equaliser, derivative equaliser, group delay equaliser, delay 孔径均衡器、微分均衡器、群时延均衡器、延迟 | apparatus electric circuit 电子篱笆;...