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from the Credentials Committee to the floor:资格审查委员会致台下各位的通告

To propose the agenda, I would like to read a message|在提出议程之前,... | from the Credentials Committee to the floor.|资格审查委员会致台下各位的通告 | May we please have order back there?|请后边肃静一...

Teach from bell to bell, first day to last:每節課都自上課鐘響起開始, 一直教到下課鐘響; 不必點名浪費時間

教學的方式要依照學生需要及與學校其他老師教學方... | 每節課都自上課鐘響起開始, 一直教到下課鐘響; 不必點名浪費時間 Teach from bell to bell, first day to last | 了解學區的評鑑哲理, 讓自己的課程與學區的目標...

My heart always seemed to drift from day to day:我的心总是茫然无依,日复一日

When you're lost where do you begin 當你迷失,將從何開始 | My heart always seemed to drift from day to day 我的心總是茫然無依,日復一日 | Looking for the love that never came my way 尋找著從未到來的愛

Write to all the kins from tomorrow:从明天起,和每一个亲人通信

我有一所房子,面朝大海,春暖花开 I have a house to face the sea,when blossoming out in sprin... | 从明天起,和每一个亲人通信 Write to all the kins from tomorrow | 告诉他们我的幸福 To tell them my happines...

from the tenements in Alphabet City:从黑城的住宅

00:41:27 from the projects in the Bronx to the lofts in Soho, 从布朗克斯的工地 到... | 00:41:30 from the tenements in Alphabet City 从黑城的住宅 | 00:41:32 to the brownstones in Park Slope 到斯罗坡公园...

To kids from one to ninety-two:獻給一歲到九十二歲的人

And so, I'm offering this simple phrase我謹以這句最簡單的話 | To kids from one to ninety-two獻給一歲到九十二歲的人 | Although it's been said many times雖然世人早以很多方式

To kids from one to ninety-two:給一岁到九十二岁的孩子

And so I'm offering this simple phrase, 我提供这短短的诗词 | To kids from one to ninety-two, 給一岁到九十二岁的孩子 | Although its been said many times, many ways, 虽然已经说了好多次

To kids from one to ninety-two:給一到九十二歲的孩子

And so I'm offering this simple phrase 所以我要獻上這句簡單的話 | To kids from one to ninety-two 給一到九十二歲的孩子 | Although its been said many times, many ways 即便已經以許多方式說了許多次

retied from work and went to homeland:解甲归田

8.揠苗助长pull up the head of plant to speed up their progress. | 9.解甲归田retied from work and went to homeland. | 10.瓜熟蒂落ripe enough to pick up

but fake ones she had to make herself from shells, gumnuts, pompoms:而是她用贝壳 坚果 小绒球

They weren't the real ones you bought in the ... | but fake ones she had to make herself from shells, gumnuts, pompoms|而是她用贝壳 坚果 小绒球 | and the chicken bones salvaged from Friday night's take...

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I Learned How To Love From You
From Her Lips To God's Ears (The Energizer)
Shame On You (To Keep My Love From Me)
Shame On You (To Keep My Love From Me) (Radio Edit)
Just To Feel This Love From You
From The Ritz To The Rubble
From Shapeless To Breakable
Girl From Ipanema Goes To Greenland
Journey From A To B
Leave It All To Shine / Leave It All To Me (Theme From iCarly)

front slagging:前方除渣(熔铁炉)

"准星","front sight" | "前方除渣(熔铁炉)","front slagging" | "前弹簧","front spring"

make noise:吵闹、发出嘈杂声

85.see to照料、注意; | 86.make noise吵闹、发出嘈杂声; | 87.stare at凝视;

derivative equaliser:孔径均衡器、微分均衡器、群时延均衡器、延迟

aperture corrector with delay line 带有延迟线的... | aperture equaliser, derivative equaliser, group delay equaliser, delay 孔径均衡器、微分均衡器、群时延均衡器、延迟 | apparatus electric circuit 电子篱笆;...