英语人>网络解释>forgive 相关的网络解释

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与 forgive 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They're hydrangeas:这是绣球花

They're nice flowers.|花很漂亮 | They're hydrangeas.|这是绣球花 | Look, blair, either you tryto forgive me and move on...|Blair或者你原谅我...

i have heard some whoppers in my time, but that tops than all:我曾经听过很多奇异的事情,但是这个是最离谱的

I hope everything works out for you... | i have heard some whoppers in my time, but that tops than all 我曾经听过很多奇异的事情,但是这个是最离谱的 | let's forget our quarrels, forgive and forget 让我们...


And Rome will not forgive you a second time.|罗马将不会给你第二次机会 | Senators...|元老们... | the war is over.|战争已经结束

Leaves Have Flown From Poplars:白杨叶飘零

04- Forgive, God! 祈主宽恕 | 05- Leaves Have Flown From Poplars 白杨叶飘零 | 06- In The Chamber 我的房间温馨明亮(小船儿)

And i'll have your tongue nailed to a wagon wheel:我保证把你的舌头钉到马车轮子上

Address me by my name again|再叫一次我的... | And i'll have your tongue nailed to a wagon wheel.|我保证把你的舌头钉到马车轮子上 | Forgive me. i've not spoken to nobility before.|请原谅我 我以前从未跟贵...

As they say,an incoming tide raise all boat:水涨船高

97.Forgive and forget.既往不咎 | 98.As they say,an incoming tide raise all boat.水涨船高 | 99.Until all is over one's ambition never dies.不到黄河心不死.

Talk is cheap, Professor:谈话很容易,教授

Forgive me, if I don't also genuflect at his altar of self government.|原谅我,为我没有在他的独... | Talk is cheap, Professor.|谈话很容易,教授 | He made no concessions, did he?. Not one.|他没让步,是吧 一...

Find other things to do and divert my attention:想念一个人的时候你会做什么

08、你会爱你另一半的缺点吗?No one will like but they will forgive! | 09、想念一个人的时候你会做什么?Find other things to do and divert my attention! | 10、你认为另一半的外貌重要吗?Only a little bit!

beg for mercy:求饶,乞求宽恕

Even if you go down on your knees, I won't forgive you. 即使你跪下求我,我也不会宽恕你. | (26) beg for mercy 求饶,乞求宽恕 | He went down on his knees and begged for mercy. 他屈膝求饶.

(Lena) Out of sight, Out of mind:跨越旁人眼神,远离思绪理智

(Julia)Mama, Papa forgive me 妈妈、爸爸原谅我吧 | (Lena) Out of sight, Out of mind 跨越旁人眼神,远离思绪理智 | (Lena) Out of time, To decide 不顾时间流逝,好来做下决定

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Please Forgive Me
Forgive & Forget
To Forgive You
Never Forgive, Never Forget
Forgive Me
Forgive And Forget
Forgive And Forget
Forgive Nothing
I'll Forgive You (Interlude)
I'll Forgive You

weak convergence of probability distribution:概率分布的弱收敛

weak color 弱色 | weak convergence of probability distribution 概率分布的弱收敛 | weak inhibited type 弱抑制型

Florescent lamp:荧光灯

Swing arm wall lamp摇臂灯 | Florescent lamp荧光灯 | Acrylic lamp亚克力灯

scalar wave equation:标量波动方程

标量波 scalar wave | 标量波动方程 scalar wave equation | 标量波动理论 scalar wave theory