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与 forced 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Desperate refugees clutch yellowed photographs:绝望的难民拿着家里人的照片

either forced to join their militia...|或者已经被迫加入他们... | Desperate refugees clutch yellowed photographs,|绝望的难民拿着家里人的照片 | holding them up to anyone who will stop.|向所有过往行人打听...

He reluctantly yielded to their demands:他不情愿地屈从于他们的要求

After a long siege, the town was forced to yield. 經過長時間的包... | He reluctantly yielded to their demands. 他不情願地屈從於他們的要求. | I yielded to temptation and had a chocolate bar. 我經不住誘...

He read the book from beginning to end:他从头至尾读了那书

The boss forced this difficult task upon him.^老板强迫他做此... | He read the book from beginning to end.^他从头至尾读了那书. | She has been taking exercises to lose weight from day to day.^她每天锻炼...

cold-storage cooler:冷藏间冷却器

喷泉式饮水冷却器 bubbler-type drinking water cooler | 冷藏间冷却器 cold-storage cooler | 空气冷却器 air cooler,forced draught

completion test:填充测验

迫选测验 forced-choice test | 填充测验 completion test | 主观题 subjective item

electric drying chamber:电干燥箱

electric driven welder 电动焊机 | electric drying chamber 电干燥箱 | electric drying oven with forced convection 电热鼓风干燥箱

wood drying kiln:木材干燥室

再干 re-drying | 木材干燥室 wood drying kiln | 强制性循环干燥室 forced circulation kiln

electric drying oven:电干燥炉

electric drying oven with forced convection 电热鼓风干燥箱 | electric drying oven 电干燥炉 | electric dust precipitator 电集尘器

electric drying oven:电干燥炉,电烘箱

electric drying machine ==> 电力干燥器 | electric drying oven ==> 电干燥炉,电烘箱 | electric drying oven with forced convection ==> 电热鼓风干燥箱

by splinter groups of social radicals, social deviants, and incorrigibles:或者疯子中的分裂派别强行赶出旧金山

See, I'm not going to be forced out of... | by splinter groups of social radicals, social deviants, and incorrigibles.|或者疯子中的分裂派别强行赶出旧金山 | Now you must realize that there are thousands...

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Forced To Die
Forced To Drive
Forced To Love
Forced To Do Dirt
Forced In
Forced Doors On The 14th Floor


muck soil 腐殖土 | mucocellulose 粘纤维素 | mucoid 类粘蛋白

FIFA 08:国际足联世界足球 08[欧]

0127 - Dance Dance Revolution: Hottest Party - 热舞革命 劲爆舞会[日] | 0126 - FIFA 08 - 国际足联世界足球 08[欧] | 0125 - Ninjabread Man - 面包忍者[美]

clathrate complex:包合络合物

classifier 分级机 | clathrate complex 包合络合物 | clay 粘土