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与 fire-eater 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

fire plant:消防装置

fire pipe ==> 消防管 | fire plant ==> 消防装置 | fire plug ==> 消防龙头,消防栓,太平龙头

fire extinguishing plant:灭火装置

fire extinguishing performance 灭火性能 | fire extinguishing plant 灭火装置 | fire extinguishing pump 消防泵

fire extinguisher plant:灭火装置

fire extinguisher of self-sensitive chemical 化学自感灭火器 | fire extinguisher plant 灭火装置 | fire extinguisher 灭火器

The suspect opened fire on the police:那嫌疑犯向警察开了火

6) Our house caught on fire last summer. 我们的房子去年夏天着火了... | 7) The suspect opened fire on the police. 那嫌疑犯向警察开了火. | 8) If you play with fire, you're gonna get burned. 玩火者必自焚...

fire prevention code:防火规范

fire preventing 预防火灾;防火的 | fire prevention code 防火规范 | fire prevention 防火

fire prevention supervisor:防火负责人

fire prevention science and technology 防火科学与技术 | fire prevention supervisor 防火负责人 | fire prevention system 防火系统

fire reel:水带卷筒

fire reconstruction 火灾再现 | fire reel 水带卷筒 | fire refractory brick 焙烧砖

fire truck reel:消防车胶管卷

fire trier 沼气检查员 | fire truck reel 消防车胶管卷 | fire truck 消防车

fire hose reel system:消防喉辘系统

fire fighting system 消防系统 | fire hose reel system 消防喉辘系统 | fire hydrant 消防栓;消防龙头

fire hose reel system:消防喉系統

fire escape 走火通道;太平梯 | fire-hose reel system 消防喉系統 | fire main 消防水管

第57/100页 首页 < ... 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 ... > 尾页
Fire On Fire
Fire Fire
Fire With Fire
Fire Fire
Don't Forget To Set The House On Fire Before You Crawl Into Bed (House Fire)
Fight Fire With Fire
Fightin' Fire With Fire
Fire With Fire
Fight Fire With Fire
Fight Fire With Fire

soot door:出灰口

soot pit 出灰坑 | soot door 出灰口 | soot 烟黑

Meat Tenderize:肉锤

Sharpening Steel磨刀棒 | Meat Tenderize肉锤 | Film保鲜膜

Tamil Nadu:泰米尔纳德

海得拉巴珠宝展主要的目标买家来自南印度四个邦--安得拉邦(Andhra Pradesh), 泰米尔纳德(Tamil Nadu), 喀拉拉(Kerala), 卡纳塔克(Kamataka)及中东. 这些买家包括珠宝批发商、零售商、进出口商、珠宝制造商、钻石及宝石供应商及经销商、珍珠供应商及经销商、贵金属及镶嵌珠宝的供应商及经销商、奢侈品个人消费者.