英语人>网络解释>fir 相关的网络解释
与 fir 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

silver fir:欧洲银冷杉

欧洲银冷杉 silver fir;whitewood;Euiopean silver fir;European silver pine | 美丽冷杉 amabilis fir;cascade fir;larch;silver fir;lovely ... | (冷杉)胶冷杉 balsam fir;balsam;Canadian fir;silver pine;Gilead...

silver fir:北美冷杉

南方香脂冷杉 fraser fir;southern balsam fir | 北美冷杉 grand fir;lowland fir;silver fir;white fir | 同形鳞片冷杉 Nikko fir

lowland fir:北美冷杉

南方香脂冷杉 fraser fir;southern balsam fir | 北美冷杉 grand fir;lowland fir;silver fir;white fir | 同形鳞片冷杉 Nikko fir

Nikko fir:同形鳞片冷杉

北美冷杉 grand fir;lowland fir;silver fir;white fir | 同形鳞片冷杉 Nikko fir | 朝鲜冷杉 Corean fir

Siberian white fir;Amur fir:臭冷杉

马氏冷杉 Marie's fir;todomatsu fir | 臭冷杉 Siberian white fir;Amur fir | 高加索冷杉 Nordmann's fir;Caucasan fir

bristlecone fir;Santa Lucia fir:苞片冷杉

土耳其冷杉 Turkey fir | 苞片冷杉 bristlecone fir;Santa Lucia fir | 希腊银冷杉 Grecian fir;Greek silver fir

subalpine fir;alpine fir;Rocky Mountain fir:毛果冷杉

朝鲜冷杉 Corean fir | 毛果冷杉 subalpine fir;alpine fir;Rocky Mountain fir | 亚利桑那州冷杉 cork fir

noble fir;red fir:壮丽红冷杉

西班牙悬垂冷杉 Spanish pendulous fir | 壮丽红冷杉 noble fir;red fir | 神圣冷杉 Guatemala fir;Mexican fir;sacred fir

Shasta fir;Shasta red fir:沙斯塔(山)红冷杉

加(利福尼亚)州冷杉 California red fir;golden fir;western balsam fir | 沙斯塔(山)红冷杉 Shasta fir;Shasta red fir | 马氏冷杉 Marie's fir;todomatsu fir

Gilead fir:(冷杉)胶冷杉

美丽冷杉 amabilis fir;cascade fir;larch;silver fir;lovely fir | (冷杉)胶冷杉 balsam fir;balsam;Canadian fir;silver pine;Gilead fir | 土耳其冷杉 Turkey fir

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reliability reassignment:可靠性再分配

reliability program for system 系统可靠性规划 | reliability reassignment 可靠性再分配 | reliability report 可靠性报告

Lots and lots of gum-gum:(很多很多的糖糖)

Yes, I did, fathead.(是的,傻瓜) | Lots and lots of gum-gum.(很多很多的糖糖) | 轉載至奇摩知識+的MAC


multiple-order 多级 | multiple-orificevalve 多孔板阀 | multiple-pass 多程