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finishing touch相关的网络解释

查询词典 finishing touch

与 finishing touch 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


finishing touch 最后一笔 | easel 画架,调色板 | palette 画板

I don't want to touch any of your filthy lucre:我不愿意碰你的那些臭钱

21. Can I walk there? 我能走得到吗... | 22. I don't want to touch any of your filthy lucre. 我不愿意碰你的那些臭钱. | 23. I'm just putting the finishing touches to my thesis. 我正在对这篇论文作最后的润...

speak incoherently:语无伦次

画龙点睛 add the finishing touch | 语无伦次 speak incoherently | 风华正茂 in one's prime


I came through with how to do it so no one got killed.|... | But Keaton? Keaton put on the finishing touch.|Keaton? Keaton把整桩事添上最后一笔 | A little "fuck you" from the five of us to the NYPD.|稍有...

But Keaton:把整桩事添上最后一笔

I came through with how to do it so no one got killed.|... | But Keaton? Keaton put on the finishing touch.|Keaton? Keaton把整桩事添上最后一笔 | A little "fuck you" from the five of us to the NYPD.|稍有...

roll nip:滚距

porcupine boiler 放射形锅炉 | roll nip 滚距 | finishing touch 最后一笔

touch up;improve:润色;改进

The actor had to go over his lines many times before he got them right.这位演员要把台词重复好多... | 5.touch up;improve润色;改进 | He went over the painting,giving it the finishing touches.他对这幅画作...

It will break at a touch:那东西一碰就破. Let's stay in touch. 我们保持联络

Our ship is to touch at Hongkong tomorrow morning. 我们的船将于... | It will break at a touch. 那东西一碰就破. Let's stay in touch. 我们保持联络. | He's added a few finishing touches to his novel. 他给...

Allaying hunger with pictures of cakes:画饼充饥

囫囵吞枣 Gulping down a whole date | 画饼充饥 Allaying hunger with pictures of cakes | 画龙点睛 Putting the finishing touch to the picture of a dragon

punch your light out:打得你两眼发黑

punch it 突然加速 | punch your light out 打得你两眼发黑 | put a finishing touch 最后修饰

第2/2页 首页 < 1 2

inexact reasoning:不精确推理

"不确切资料","inexact data" | "不精确推理","inexact reasoning" | "早期失效","infant mortality"

Greater Coucal:毛鸡

great tit 白脸山雀 | greater coucal 毛鸡 | greater hill mynah 海南八哥

Paralyze Field:<麻庳力场>

Mass Curse | Paralyze Field | Reveal