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A federal government:联邦政府
Main contents of the Constitution 美国宪法的主要内容 | A federal government 联邦政府 | Election of president 总统的选举
Transitional Federal Government:过渡联邦政府
他们受召募加入受盖达(Al-Qaeda)恐怖组织启发 的回教青年会(Shebab),其中许多人最后沦为去对抗 衣索比亚部队、非洲联盟(African Union)部队和国 际支持的过渡联邦政府(Transitional Federal Government).
Progressive Federal Party:进步联邦党
progressive development of international law and its codification;国际法的逐渐发展和编纂;; | Progressive Federal Party;进步联邦党;; | progressive harmonization;逐步协调;;
United National Federal Party:联合民族联邦党
United National Asian Development Institute;亚洲国家联合发展研究所;; | United National Federal Party;联合民族联邦党;; | United National Independence Party;联合民族独立党(民独党);UNIP;民独党
Federal Party of Ceylon:锡兰联邦党
Fazal,Abul 法扎尔 117 | Federal Party of Ceylon 锡兰联邦党 430 | Federally Administered Tribal Areas 联邦管辖部落地区229
Sudanese People's Federal Party:苏丹人民联邦党
Sudanese African People's Congress;苏丹非洲人大会;SAPC; | Sudanese People's Federal Party;苏丹人民联邦党;SPFP; | Islamic Socialist Party;伊斯兰社会党;ISP;
Which federal political party is in power:那一个联邦政府当政
163、 Which federal political party is in power 那一个联邦政府当政? | Liberal Party. 自由党. | 164、 To which party does your Member of Parliament belong 你那区的国会议员属于那一个政党?
Which federal political party is in power:现在当权的是哪一个政党
160. When does an election have to be held according to the Constitution? 根据宪法,什么时候要进行一次竞选? | 164. Which federal political party is in power? 现在当权的是哪一个政党? | Liberals 自由党
Which federal political party is in power:现在当权的是哪一个政
161. What do political parties do? 政的职责是什么? | 164. Which federal political party is in power? 现在当权的是哪一个政? | Liberals 自由
Federal Reserve Bank:联邦储备银行
自1990年,联邦储备银行(Federal Reserve Bank)已经授权银行控股公司的分支机构从事证券业务,这些分支机构被称为"第20条子公司". >更进了一步,因为它允许银行控股公司变成在银行业和投资银行业以及保险业中均有分支机构的金融控股公司(FHC).
- 推荐网络解释
Greco-Latin square:希腊拉丁方格
Granduation of curve 曲线递合 | Greco-Latin square 希腊拉丁方格 | Grand lot 大批
斜拉器:kicking strap | 帆前角下拉索:cunningham | 调整索:outhaul
软性玩具 soft toy | 塞得过满 overstuffed | 教边 fray