英语人>网络解释>fart 相关的网络解释
与 fart 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

old fart:老頭 (罵人的話)

happy camper 快樂、滿足的人,通常用來反諷 | lightning rod 避雷針 | old fart 老頭 (罵人的話)

Shit! fart:狗屎!狗屁

畜生!- You beast! | 狗屎!狗屁!- Shit! fart! | 它妈的!-Oh, confound it!

You fart:你放屁

踢边锋的西班牙人射术不精,看来是老毛病,1982年世界杯,西班牙右边锋乌尔法特(Ufarte)就是个盘带绝佳、射门太烂的家伙,英格兰球迷拿他的名字取笑他的射门,按英语发音乌尔法特很像"你放屁(you fart)",此后多届西班牙边锋的射术都是笑料.


PaleFace面色蒼白 | PassGas;Fart放屁 | PassOutBlood痾血

just so the old fart can hold out some kind of hope of having a grandkid:只是为了让他能有个孙子

to grow back that equipment you blew off from be... | just so the old fart can hold out some kind of hope of having a grandkid.|只是为了让他能有个孙子 | Although, as you can see, there were some side e...

And just fart as loud as you humanly can. just:同时鼓足全力放一个全人类最响的屁

As they talk about their grandson|听他们讲自己的孙子 | And just fart as loud as you humanly can. just...|同时鼓足全力放一个全人类最响的屁 | "yeah? where's your grandson from?"|"是吗 你的孙子住在哪儿...

Fart Proudly:最近读的书

最喜欢的作家Ben Franklin | 最近读的书Fart Proudly | 我热爱music

He does not: Fart and belch He is: Gastronomically expressive40:放屁打嗝-胃部表现欲强 消化系统比较有表达力

You do not: Buy him a drink You initiate an: Alc... | He does not: Fart and belch He is: Gastronomically expressive40. 放屁打嗝-胃部表现欲强 消化系统比较有表达力 | His jeans are not: Too tight He is: A...

Fatties: Fart 20:哦?你就可以回去拍 《肥仔之家:第20屁了》这样的烂片了

I'm tired, I want to go home.... | Why, so you can get back and make|Fatties: Fart 20, or some shit?|哦?你就可以回去拍 <<肥仔之家:第20屁了>>这样的烂片了? | - Yeah, you do.|- I don't want no Fatties fra...

Why, so you can get back and make|Fatties: Fart 20, or some shit:哦?你就可以回去拍 《肥仔之家:第20屁了》这样的烂片了

I'm tired, I want to go home.... | Why, so you can get back and make|Fatties: Fart 20, or some shit?|哦?你就可以回去拍 <<肥仔之家:第20屁了>>这样的烂片了? | - Yeah, you do.|- I don't want no Fatties fra...

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go to the theatre:去剧院

一位老人an old man | 去剧院go to the theatre | 去那边go there

Bram Stokers Dracula:[吸血惊情四百年]

此外还有中国香港、日本等地拍的几部烂片--一直到92年科波拉(Francis Ford Coppola)的<<吸血惊情四百年>>(Bram Stokers Dracula)石破天惊,一举重写罗马尼亚历史,标志着吸血鬼影片在90年代之后的复兴.

Streusel Cannelle:肉桂麵糖

榛實餡 Creme Noisette | 肉桂麵糖 Streusel Cannelle | 夾心餡 Garniture