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与 faith 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Thou Shalt Not:妄行不可

Magnanimity is a sign of weakness. 滥慨必蹶. | Thou shalt not. 妄行不可. | The man who has nothing can still have faith. 无所有者尚存一信.

Thou Shalt Not:汝等不可

Magnanimity is a sign of weakness. 寬宏的行為是弱者的標誌. | Thou shalt not. 汝等不可. | The man who has nothing can still have faith. 一無所有的人仍有信念.

Thou Shalt Not:尔不可为. 汝等不可

Magnanimity is a sign of weakness. 宽宏的行为是弱者的标志. | Thou shalt not. 尔不可为. 汝等不可. | The man who has nothing can still have faith. 无所有者尚存一信. 一无所有的人仍有信念.

And gilded honour shamefully misplaced:金冠可耻地戴在行尸的头上

And purest faith unhappily forsworn, 纯洁的信义不幸而被人背弃, | And gilded honour shamefully misplaced, 金冠可耻地戴在行尸的头上, | And maiden virtue rudely strumpeted, 处女的贞操遭受暴徒的玷辱,

And gilded honour shamefully misplaced:金冠被可耻地错置

牐燗nd purest faith unhappily forsworn, 纯洁的盟誓惨遭背弃, | 牐燗nd gilded honour shamefully misplaced, 金冠被可耻地错置, | 牐燗nd maiden virtue rudely strumpeted, 处女的贞洁遭人玷污,

And gilded honour shamefully misplaces:金冠可耻的戴在行尸的头上

And purest faith unhappily forsworn, 纯洁的信义不幸而被人背弃 | And gilded honour shamefully misplaces, 金冠可耻的戴在行尸的头上 | And maiden virtue rudely strumpeted, 处女的贞操遭受暴徒的玷辱

And gilded honour shamefully misplac'd:镀金的荣耀被张冠李戴

And purest faith unhappily forsworn, 至纯的忠信,不幸遭背弃; | And gilded honour shamefully misplac'd, 镀金的荣耀被张冠李戴; | And maiden virtue rudely strumpeted, 少女的贞操粗鲁地叫卖;

And gilded honour shamefully misplac'd:无良小丑错冠英雄号

And purest faith unhappily forsworn, 都道是天公地道,哪晓得这般混淆黑白! | And gilded honour shamefully misplac'd, 无良小丑错冠英雄号, | And maiden virtue rudely strumpeted, 一声娼妇,枉了贞操洁好!

And gilded honour shamefully misplac'd:尊贵的荣誉授给了无耻屑小

4.And purest faith unhappily forsworn, 至信忠诚,却只赢得无情背... | 5.And gilded honour shamefully misplac'd, 尊贵的荣誉授给了无耻屑小, | 6.And maiden virtue rudely strumpeted, 美德横遭玷污,如贞女沦为娼...

And gilded honour shamefully misplac'd:显赫的头衔被可耻地胡乱封赏

4.And purest faith unhappily forsworn, 纯洁的誓约令人遗憾地被破... | 5.And gilded honour shamefully misplac'd, 显赫的头衔被可耻地胡乱封赏, | 6.And maiden virtue rudely strumpeted, 少女的贞操常蒙受粗暴的...

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Ye Of Little Faith
A Song Of Faith
Bridge Of Reason, Shore Of Faith
Faith In Love
Shield Of Faith
Crazy Faith
No Faith In Brooklyn


plastic 塑胶 | plasticine 塑像用粘土 | plasticity 可塑性

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