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face to face相关的网络解释

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与 face to face 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

have sth on sb:抓住某人的把柄

have some 吃一点吧 | have sth on sb 抓住某人的把柄 | have the face to do sth 居然有脸做某事

have sth on sb:抓紧某人的把柄

have some 吃一点吧 | have sth on sb 抓紧某人的把柄 | have the face to do sth 竟然有脸做某事

show the bud in full blossom:怒放我心中的蕊

打开我的笑脸, Open my face to the world , | 怒放我心中的蕊, show the bud in full blossom, | 让清风梳洗我的衣裙, let refreshing breeze clean my dress,

Your Honor, in Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Hoselton:法官大人, 根据宾夕法尼亚州Hoselton案例

His right to face his accuser. That's cle... | Your Honor, in Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Hoselton,|法官大人, 根据宾夕法尼亚州Hoselton案例, | the Third District ruled that a defendant may not use t...

have the game in one's hands:必胜把握

He broke the window but he had the face to put the blame on me. 他打破... | have the game in one's hands必胜把握: | He's had the game in his hands, hardly anyone can challenge him there. 他算是稳操胜券...

Not forgetting something that is probably quite ineffable:不要忘记那些可能是难以言喻的东西

But of many generations但属于世世代代 | Not forgetting something that is probably quite ineffable 不要忘记那些可能是难以言喻的东西 | Moonlight, turn your face to the moonlight 月光,把你的脸转向月光

Yeah.|I don't wanna look like Boris Karloff:是的 我可不想和Boris Karloff一样|(恐怖电影明星)

You need sufficiant slack,|for the face to rem... | Yeah.|I don't wanna look like Boris Karloff.|是的 我可不想和Boris Karloff一样|(恐怖电影明星) | - So, you don't want a sex change!|- Oh, no. I'm all w...

是的 我可不想和Boris Karloff一样|(恐怖电影明星):Yeah.|I don't wanna look like Boris Karloff

You need sufficiant slack,|for the face to rem... | Yeah.|I don't wanna look like Boris Karloff.|是的 我可不想和Boris Karloff一样|(恐怖电影明星) | - So, you don't want a sex change!|- Oh, no. I'm all w...

Love really needs moxie:爱真的需要勇气

最怕你忽然说要放弃 only afraid of your abandon in case | 爱真的需要勇气 Love really needs moxie | 来面对流言蜚语 to face scandal

not for a moment" = never:从不,绝不

At every moment I am reminded of the great difficulties we have still to face. 我不断地提醒自... | 2. "not for a moment" = never 从不,绝不 | I wasn't for a moment deceived by his friendly words. 我绝不会...

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Face To Face
Face To Face
Face To Face
Face To Face
Face To Face With Life
Face To Face
Face To Face
Face To Face
Face To Face
Face To Face


plastic 塑胶 | plasticine 塑像用粘土 | plasticity 可塑性

Steel Skeleton Construction:钢骨构造

"钢珠","steel shot" | "钢骨构造","steel skeleton construction" | "钢枕(铁路)","steel sleeper"

Senecio cineraria:银叶菊

垂盆草 Sedum sarmentosum | 银叶菊 Senecio cineraria | 97 加拿大一枝黄花 Solidago canadensis