英语人>网络解释>extinct 相关的网络解释

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与 extinct 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

exteroceptive reflex:外感受性反射

exteroceptive conditioned stimulus 外感受性条件刺激 | exteroceptive reflex 外感受性反射 | extinct animal 灭绝动物


exteroceptor 外受器 | extima 脈管壁外層 | extinct 絕種

They were all exterminated after|the riots, thirty years ago:三十年前的暴乱|后他们都死光了

The Dayaks are extinct.|迪雅克人已经绝种了 | They were all exterminated after|the riots, thirty years ago.|三十年前的暴乱|后他们都死光了 | Except the one that got you....|除了抓住你的那个

extirpated species:绝迹种

03.1007 灭绝种 extinct species | 03.1008 绝迹种 extirpated species | 03.1009 引入 introduction

What are you quacking about:你叫什么叫

You're so stupid! How are you not yet extinct?|笨蛋!你怎么还没绝种? | What are you quacking about?|你叫什么叫? | Dumb Donald Dodo!|白痴唐老鸭

AMY: And dodo birds. LEELA: And white rhinos:渡渡鸟,白犀牛

Look! lnside its pouch. Extinct Tasmanian tigers.|看他那个保护膜里|塔斯马尼亚老虎 | AMY: And dodo birds. LEELA: And white rhinos.|渡渡鸟,白犀牛 | HERMES: And striped biologist-taunters.|标靶山猫

Not just an island, an entirely new continent:不是一座小岛,是一座大陆

Let me enlarge it for you.|我来放大给你看 | Not just an island, an entirely new continent.|不是一座小岛,是一座大陆 | An extinct world, reborn on our own.|我要在地球重建一个 已消失了的世界

b "Viva Pinata:(宝贝万岁)" (微软游戏工作室)

b "Universe at War(宇宙战争)" (世嘉) | b "Viva Pinata(宝贝万岁)" (微软游戏工作室) | b "Zoo Tycoon 2: Extinct Animals(动物园大亨2:濒危物种)" (微软游戏工作室)

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Dinosaurs Became Extinct
Evolve Or Be Extinct


muck soil 腐殖土 | mucocellulose 粘纤维素 | mucoid 类粘蛋白

FIFA 08:国际足联世界足球 08[欧]

0127 - Dance Dance Revolution: Hottest Party - 热舞革命 劲爆舞会[日] | 0126 - FIFA 08 - 国际足联世界足球 08[欧] | 0125 - Ninjabread Man - 面包忍者[美]

clathrate complex:包合络合物

classifier 分级机 | clathrate complex 包合络合物 | clay 粘土