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与 executives 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

regulated monopolies:规约垄断

Problems with several industries许多行业所面临的问题 | regulated monopolies规约垄断 | higher pay for executives, but little behaviour change lower down高层经理薪酬水准提高,但行为变革幅度却有所下降

Ratifying the CEO's selection:批准高层人事

----决定执行者 Hiring, evaluating, replacing the executives; | ----批准高层人事Ratifying the CEO's selection; | ----政策的核准 Approving, modifying or rejecting the policies;

Government Releases:第三节 政府文告

第二节 领导访谈 Executives Speaking | 第三节 政府文告 Government Releases | 第三章 走进市场 Into the Marketplace

business entrants:初办企业者

business enterprise;企业;; | business entrants;初办企业者;; | business executives;企业经理人员;;


然而,这些项目招收了很多经理人员(managers),而不是"高级经理"(executives),而且提供的课程也和针对没有管理经验的人设计的课程大同小异. 很多所谓的高级管理课程(AMP)招收经验丰富的高级经理,进行为期数周的培训,


美国法上的独立董事(independent director)是指公众持股公司中非公司官员(officers)或行政人员(executives)的董事. 他们需在公司进行的交易活动中没有实质性的、直接或间接的经济利害关系. [⑥]可见,独立董事与兼职董事、外部董事相近,

Habeeboo's Entourages:暐婷,景苡、婉琳

Firecracker Teens: 皆發,欣萍,春妤,瑋璟 | Habeeboo's Entourages: 暐婷,景苡、婉琳 | Watsuhita Executives: 春妤,馨儀,瑋璟

Entrepreneurs and tycoons:企业家和金融巨头

Management buy-outs 管理层收购 | Entrepreneurs and tycoons 企业家和金融巨头 | Managers and executives 经理和董事

Financial flexiblity:财务灵怕性、财务弹性

Financial Executives lnstittite 高级财务管理人员协会 | Financial flexiblity 财务灵怕性、财务弹性 | Financial lorecasting 财务预测

Goalkeepers Do It with Their Eyes Shut:蒙起眼睛扑点球

Want a Raise?StandingTallMayHelp/薪酬与身量齐高 | Goalkeepers Do It with Their Eyes Shut/蒙起眼睛扑点球 | Chief Executives Arm-Wrestle co Settle Dispute/力气大.赢天下

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gray interrelation:灰色关联

灰度编码:Gray-coded | 灰色关联:gray interrelation | 灰色模型:Gray-model

spiritual civilization:心性文明

农村城镇化:rural civilization | 心性文明:Spiritual Civilization | 依法治国:socialistic political civilization

likin park:现在最喜欢的音乐专辑

我听的音乐Rock | 现在最喜欢的音乐专辑Likin Park | 最近读的书Eragon and Eldest