英语人>网络解释>execution 相关的网络解释

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与 execution 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

looping execution:循环执行

looping 循环 | looping execution 循环执行 | loose coupling 松联结

when a mistrial was decleared today, begins his week-long recope execution:今天 宣判被告无效 当局开始了为期一周的重新调查

Apputed boss Baltano Chessarate once again ... | when a mistrial was decleared today, begins his week-long recope execution.|今天 宣判被告无效 当局开始了为期一周的重新调查 | Allegedly responsible for o...

Multithreaded Execution:多线程执行

多路存取载波侦听,Carrier Sense Multiple Access | 多线程执行,Multithreaded Execution 256 | 多穴,multihomed 135

order of execution:动作顺序

open tuck 较松弛的抱膝姿势 | order of execution 动作顺序 | pike 屈体

order of execution:动作顺序DWr中国英语学习网

open tuck 较松弛的抱膝姿势DWr中国英语学习网 | order of execution 动作顺序DWr中国英语学习网 | pike 屈体DWr中国英语学习网

order of execution:执行顺序

1643order file有序文件 | 1644order of execution执行顺序 | 1645original definition初始定义

order of execution:动作顺序vPt中国英语学习网

open tuck 较松弛的抱膝姿势vPt中国英语学习网 | order of execution 动作顺序vPt中国英语学习网 | pike 屈体vPt中国英语学习网

execution of order;executing an order:交付订货

订货追踪following up the order | 交付订货execution of order;executing an order | 接受订单taking an order;accepting an order

prejudgment execution:先予执行

先天性缺陷 (-:-) congenital defect | 先予执行 (-:-) prejudgment execution | 显露 (-:-) discovery

program test execution:程序测试

program test 程序测试 | program test execution 程序测试 | program test log 程序检验日志

第6/27页 首页 < ... 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... > 尾页
Hatchet Execution
Blood Drenched Execution
Execution Of A Chump (No More Mr. Nice Guy Pt. 2)
The Execution
Perfect Execution
Execution Day
Execution Day
The Execution Of All Things
The Execution Of Louis Capet
A Public Execution


favourable 赞成的 | favourably 顺利地 | favoured 受优惠的

Oh, God! This is so nerve-racking. How do you do this:老天,这真是折磨人你是怎么习惯的

Me too.|我也是 | Oh, God! This is so nerve-racking. How do you do this?|老天,这真是折磨人你是怎么习惯的? | Fortunately, I don't get many callbacks, so...|我过关的经验不多,所以


luxury 豪华的 | beachside 海滩边的 | plunge pool 游泳池