英语人>网络解释>ex-soldier 相关的网络解释

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与 ex-soldier 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

welling up:(眼泪等)涌上 热泪盈眶

7.you've got me! 你难到我了 | 8.welling up(眼泪等)涌上 热泪盈眶 | 9.ex-wife 前妻

Asplenium filipes Copel:複齒鐵角蕨

10. Asplenium ensiforme Wall. ex Hook. & Grev. 劍葉鐵角蕨 (H, V, M) | 11. Asplenium filipes Copel. 複齒鐵角蕨 (H, V, M) | 12. Asplenium ritoense Hayata 尖葉鐵角蕨 (H, V, C)

Delonix Raf:凤凰木属

03. 顶果树属 Acrocarpus Wight ex Arn. | 05. 凤凰木属 Delonix Raf. | 06. 云实属 Caesalpinia Linn.

and go back to where you came, with your gimpy leg and your shot-up hand:拖着你那条跛腿和受伤的手 继续和我们作对

Or do you choose door num... | ...and go back to where you came, with your gimpy leg and your shot-up hand?|拖着你那条跛腿和受伤的手 继续和我们作对 | You're not gonna get very far. And what if your ex-...

all and singular:所有的人, 一律; 完全; 一个不漏的

ex: a story of singular interest 一部非常有趣的小说 | all and singular 所有的人, 一律; 完全; 一个不漏的 | gyratevi. To revolve in or as if in a circle or spiral. 以或类似于于圆周或螺旋的形式转动

in the proportion of:按...的比例

按"工厂交货"条件出售 sale'ex works' | 按...的比例 in the proportion of | 按...的比率 at a rate of ;at the rate of

You're brainwashed, people:你们大家都被洗脑了

He's not what you think.|他并不是你想像的那样 | You're brainwashed, people!|你们大家都被洗脑了! | Oh, just ask his ex-wife right there, Sally Jensen.|可以问问他的前妻莎莉詹森

She corroborated your story:她会出庭作证吗

- I got in touch with Crab Simmons's ex-girlfriend Leticia. 她证实了你说的话 | - She corroborated your story. 她会出庭作证吗? | - Will she testify? 她失踪了

Wheredoes The Dethroned Royalty:这位被废的皇后

And Has Anyone Spotted Our Ex-Queen B.?|有人看到过我们的前任皇后B吗? | Wheredoes The Dethroned Royalty|这位被废的皇后 | Vacation These Days?|是在哪儿度假的呢?

Where does the dethroned royalty:[昔日的女王到哪去了]

And has anyone spotted our ex-queen b.? [有人看见我们的前女王B吗?] | Where does the dethroned royalty [昔日的女王到哪去了] | Vacation these days? [在度假呢]

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Letter To My Ex's
Ex Cathedra
Best Ex-Friend
La Ex
The (Ex) Boyfriend Song
Miserabile Visu (Ex Malo Bonum)
Ex Nihilo
Ex's And Oh's
Blame It On Ya Ex
Drake's Ex

Proxy Proxy:代理

Protocol: Protocol: 通訊協定: | Proxy Proxy 代理 | Re-request Authorization Re-request Authorization 重新請求批准

insurmountable odds:这里指不可战胜的神话

go before the cameras:开拍 | insurmountable odds:这里指不可战胜的神话 | flick:[俚]电影

24-hour customer helpline:24小时客户服务热线

26. Affinity and cobranded credit cards 亲和卡,联名信用卡 | 27. 24-hour customer helpline 24小时客户服务热线 | 28. Priority banking 优先银行服务