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与 evening 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Live and learn:活到老,学到老

36.Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.今天能做的事绝不要拖到明天. | 37.Live and learn.活到老,学到老. | 38.an hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. 一日之计在于晨.

Lois Lane:露薏丝莲恩

Evening, Lex.|晚上好,雷克斯 | Lois Lane.|露薏丝.莲恩 | How did you...? - Get past security?|- 你是怎么...? - 通过保安?

long-sleeved blouse:長袖襯衫

長晚禮服 evening gown | 長袖襯衫 long-sleeved blouse | 長袍 gown; long robe; long gown

Lord's Prayer:主祷文,天主经

6. evening prayer n.晚祷 | 7. lord's prayer 主祷文,天主经 | 1. The little boy gabbled his prayers and jumped into bed. 那小男孩匆匆念过祷文就跳上了床.

get lucky money:得到压岁钱

看春节联欢会enjoy Spring Festival Gala Evening | 得到压岁钱 get lucky money | 走亲访友 visit friends and relatives

luggage tag:行李牌

广州市番禺潭洲伟强(Guangzhou Panyu Tanzhou Matle Hardware Factory)五金厂是一家私营企业,坐落在富饶的珠三角地区,占地4000多平方. 自1999年成立以来不断努力更新发展,实力日渐壮大. 目前,我们生产的五金产品有便携式烟灰缸(Pocket Ashtray),晚装手袋(Evening Bag),行李牌(Luggage Tag),名片盒(Name Car


My Wood 我的树林(郑大民译) | ROSE MACAuLAY罗兹.麦考利 | Evening Parties 晚间聚会(杨自伍译)

make a practice of: make a habit of:养成...的习惯

Make a practice of being on time for work. 要养成按时完成工作的... | make a practice of: make a habit of 养成...的习惯 | They made a practice of talking a walk together every evening. 他们每天傍晚总是一...

make dumplings till the middle night:包饺子到深夜

2,元宵节晚会the evening party of festival of lanterns | 3,包饺子到深夜make dumplings till the middle night | 4,亲朋好友friends and relatives

make faces/ make a face:做鬼脸

Our trip back to the hotel was made in the evening. 我们在傍晚到旅馆. | make faces / make a face 做鬼脸 | Then I made faces and jumped like a monkey. 然后我做鬼脸并像猴子一样的跳.

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Red And Dying Evening
Red And Dying Evening
Evening Kitchen
A Lovely Way To Spend An Evening
In The Cool, Cool, Cool Of The Evening
Evening Breeze
Evening / Morning
Quiet Evening
The Evening Train


sedopeptose 景天糖 | seducement 诱惑手段 | seducershaikhsheiksheikh 玩弄女性的人

LADY DY:达依女士

节目名称 达依女士(LADY DY) 节目介绍:经典曲目. 此首是从理查德的>里获得. 节目名称 瓦妮莎的微笑(LES PREMIERS SOURIRES DE VANESSA) 节目介绍:该曲目的背景资料亦未知,由理查德.克莱得曼的>专辑中截取.

The Golden Age:辉煌年代

下来将同英国老乡克里夫欧文并肩出现在凯特布兰切特的伊丽莎白女王时代剧<<辉煌年代>>(The Golden Age)当中,此外还与娜塔丽波特曼、斯嘉丽约翰逊以及艾瑞克巴纳合作了亨利八世时代剧<<另一个波琳家的女孩>>(The Other Boleyn Girl)等,