查询词典 electromagnetic
- 与 electromagnetic 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
electromagnetic shielding:电磁屏敝
electromagnetic separator 电磁分离机 | electromagnetic shielding 电磁屏敝 | electromagnetic switch 电磁开关
electromagnetic shielding:抗干扰
电磁力:Electromagnetic Force | 抗干扰:electromagnetic shielding | 电磁式:Electromagnetic style
electromagnetic stirring:电磁搅拌=>電磁攪拌
electromagnetic stirrer 电磁搅拌器 | electromagnetic stirring 电磁搅拌=>電磁攪拌(かくはん) | electromagnetic stirring autoclave 电磁搅拌式高压反应器
electromagnetic susceptibility:电磁敏感度
电磁脉冲干扰 electromagnetic pulse jamming | 电磁敏感度 electromagnetic susceptibility | 电磁能 electromagnetic energy
electromagnetic susceptibility:电磁敏感性
electromagnetic surveying 电磁勘探,电磁探测 | electromagnetic susceptibility 电磁敏感性 | electromagnetic susceptibility, EMS 电磁敏感性=>電磁感受性
electromagnetic vector potential:电磁矢势
electromagnetic unit 电磁单位 | electromagnetic vector potential 电磁矢势 | electromagnetic voltmeter 电磁伏特计
electromagnetic vibration generator:电磁式振动发生器
electromagnetic vector potential 电磁矢势 | electromagnetic vibration generator 电磁式振动发生器 | electromagnetic vibrator 电磁振动器
electromagnetic braker:电磁制动器
electromagnetic brake 电磁制动器 | electromagnetic braker 电磁制动器 | electromagnetic casing-thickness logging tool 电磁套管测厚仪
electromagnetic ponderomotive force:电磁有质动力
electromagnetic pick-up | 电磁传感器,电磁式拾音器 | electromagnetic ponderomotive force | 电磁有质动力 | electromagnetic potential | 电磁势,电磁位
electromagnetic ground detector:电磁式接地检测器
electromagnetic gantry crane 电磁龙门吊 | electromagnetic ground detector 电磁式接地检测器 | electromagnetic hydraulic valve 电磁液压阀
- 推荐网络解释
I couldn't be more tragic:我就披下喜剧的华服
And if I were the King of Rome 若我非罗马王 | I couldn't be more tragic 我就披下喜剧的华服 | My fate to roam 命运支使
speak in public:在公共场合说话
58.do a personality survey 做一个性格调查 | 59.speak in public 在公共场合说话 | 60.hardly ever 几乎不
2、执行"编辑"(Edit)|"变换"( Transform)|"扭曲(distort)命令,将"三维字"拉成透视状. 百度(baidu)提供的内容