英语人>网络解释>eldest 相关的网络解释

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与 eldest 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

who had the foresight to betroth her to his rich cousin's eldest son in Genoa:他真有远见,把她许配给热那亚 最有钱的表亲的大儿子

Much thanks to your fa... | who had the foresight to betroth her to his rich cousin's eldest son in Genoa.|他真有远见,把她许配给热那亚 最有钱的表亲的大儿子 | Listen to this. "Mystery transvestite at un...

Reuben was the eldest of the CHILDREN of Israel:以色列的孩子中鲁宾最大

(NARRATOR, BROTHERS, FEMALE ENSEMBLE AND CHILDREN 合唱) | Reuben was the eldest of the CHILDREN of Israel 以色列的孩子中鲁宾最大 | With Simeon and Levi the next in line 其次是西缅和李维


field 田地,方面 | eldest 最年长的 | elder 年长的


宗教信仰: buddhist | 家中排行: eldest | 口头禅: oh realli?


think of=考虑; | eldest=年长的; | daughter=女儿;

eldest brother:长兄

长女 eldest daughter | 长兄 eldest brother | 长子 eldest son

eldest brother:例

eldest 最老的 | 例:eldest brother | far 远的

eldest son:长子

长兄 eldest brother | 长子 eldest son | 长子身份 primogeniture

eldest son:大儿子

24. eldest表示"人的年龄大". 例如: | 大儿子 eldest son | 大哥 eldest brother

eldest daughter:长女

长辈 older; older generation | 长女 eldest daughter | 长兄 eldest brother

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muck soil 腐殖土 | mucocellulose 粘纤维素 | mucoid 类粘蛋白

FIFA 08:国际足联世界足球 08[欧]

0127 - Dance Dance Revolution: Hottest Party - 热舞革命 劲爆舞会[日] | 0126 - FIFA 08 - 国际足联世界足球 08[欧] | 0125 - Ninjabread Man - 面包忍者[美]

clathrate complex:包合络合物

classifier 分级机 | clathrate complex 包合络合物 | clay 粘土