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与 elder 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


provider 供应者,伙食承办人 | 71.spalder 击碎矿石的工人 | elder 年长者,前辈

Erucamidopropyl Hydroxy Sultane:泡沫增强剂

elder extract 接骨木粹取 抗菌、收敛、润滑剂 | erucamidopropyl hydroxy sultane 泡沫增强剂 | ethyl alcohol 乙醇 溶剂

a Jack in office:自命不凡的小官吏、官僚

cheap Jack.卖廉价货物的小贩 | a Jack in office.自命不凡的小官吏、官僚. | His elder brother died of Yellow Jack.他哥哥死于"黄热病".

Shop around for auto insurance:比较各保险公司

(3)Drop collision insurance on elder vehicles老旧汽车不要购买碰撞险 | (4)Shop around for auto insurance比较各保险公司 | (5)Take advantage of discounts选择折扣高之保险公司

Lucius got apprenticed to a stonemason:卢修斯成了石匠的学徒

Vorena the elder is at the temple of Orbona with Lyde.|大乌利娜和莱德在奥波拿... | Lucius got apprenticed to a stonemason.|卢修斯成了石匠的学徒 | Stonemason ? Now that's a decent trade.|石匠? 现在是不错...

Hunted Wumpus:捕获的狮头象

251 Fyndhorn Elder 范得贺恩长者 3 | 258 Hunted Wumpus 捕获的狮头象 3 | 260 Living Terrain 活化地形 3

least less little:少的

elder可做定语和表语 | least less little 少的 | much 大量的

hotel reconstructing:酒店改造

老人医疗公寓 Elder Medical Treatment Boarding House | 酒店改造 hotel reconstructing | 酒店策划 hotel planning

He whets the knife, quick quick, for pig and sheep:磨刀霍霍向猪羊

When Little Brother hears Elder Sister is coming 小弟闻姊来, | He whets the knife, quick quick, for pig and sheep. 磨刀霍霍向猪羊. | "I open the door to my east chamber, 开我东阁门,

but sometimes my tongue wiggles beyond my ability to control it:但有时我的舌头不随我的意愿摆动

I am sorry, Elder Hale...|对不起,赫尔... | but sometimes my tongue wiggles beyond my ability to control it.|但有时我的舌头不随我的意愿摆动 | This is a problem with which I have had much experience.|我对...

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Elder Misanthropy
The Sons Of Katie Elder
Forgive Me Father (I Have Sinned) - Elder Version
The Persecution Song - Elder Version
The Spawn Of Love And War - Elder Version
Fodder For The Elder Gods
Elder Goose
Children Of The Elder God

weak convergence of probability distribution:概率分布的弱收敛

weak color 弱色 | weak convergence of probability distribution 概率分布的弱收敛 | weak inhibited type 弱抑制型

Florescent lamp:荧光灯

Swing arm wall lamp摇臂灯 | Florescent lamp荧光灯 | Acrylic lamp亚克力灯

scalar wave equation:标量波动方程

标量波 scalar wave | 标量波动方程 scalar wave equation | 标量波动理论 scalar wave theory