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与 elder 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

My flunky! Stop:奴才该死 停

停 我还没尿尿呢 Shop. I haven't taken a emiction | 奴才该死 停 My flunky! Stop | 三阿哥真是生龙活虎 What vim and vigor Third Elder Brother have!

for that matter:都一样(用于指出所说的两件事物中,后说的与先说的性质一样). 例如

As a matter of fact, I know nothing about the ma... | 4. for that matter都一样(用于指出所说的两件事物中,后说的与先说的性质一样). 例如: | Don't talk like that to the elder, or to anyone else for that ma...

Garry Treler:第七航空军军长/美韩联军司令部副司令/美韩联军司令部空军司令

第五航空军军长/驻日本美军司令 - Brunce Wright | 第七航空军军长/美韩联军司令部副司令/美韩联军司令部空军司令 - Garry Treler | 第八航空军军长/美国战略司令部空间全球打击联合司令部司令 - Robert Elder Jr...

N: generation gap:代溝

交流: N: exchange, interchange; V: to exchange, interchange | 代溝: N: generation gap | 伯父/伯伯: N: father's elder brother, uncle; polite title for elderly gentlemen

Leaf Gilder:金叶师

1 Glarewielder 眩光师 | 2 Leaf Gilder 金叶师 | 4 Leaf-Crowned Elder 叶冠长老

Wildcelery Herb:芹菜

Wild Chrysanthemum 野菊花 | Wildcelery Herb 芹菜 | Williams Elder Twig 接骨木

Golden Horsewhip of the Crown Prince:太子金鞭

海狗守洞: Fur Seal Guarding the Cavern | 太子金鞭: Golden Horsewhip of the Crown Prince | 仙翁引路: Celestial Elder Guiding the Way

Many people look upon American young men as brash,immodest,rude:许多人认为美国的年轻人 傲慢,不谦逊,粗鲁

rude a.粗鲁的,不礼貌的; ... | Many people look upon American young men as brash,immodest,rude, ;许多人认为美国的年轻人 傲慢,不谦逊,粗鲁, | and possess no proper respect for parents or elder siblings. ;...

Many people look upon American young men as brash,immodest,rude:许多人认为美国的昵崛?傲慢,不谦逊,粗鲁

rude a.粗鲁的,不礼貌的; 粗... | Many people look upon American young men as brash,immodest,rude, ;许多人认为美国的昵崛?傲慢,不谦逊,粗鲁, | and possess no proper respect for parents or elder siblings. ;对...


司机说开吧谐音: "一木拍腰" 一木板拍在腰上以驱使(impel)我干活谐音: "昂呢 " 有了荣誉(honour)何不昂首挺胸呢.谐音: "不累死" 祈求上苍保佑(bless)不累死谐音:"爱幼的" 年长者(elder)要爱幼的谐音: "这旎 " 这里风光旖旎,

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Elder Misanthropy
The Sons Of Katie Elder
Forgive Me Father (I Have Sinned) - Elder Version
The Persecution Song - Elder Version
The Spawn Of Love And War - Elder Version
Fodder For The Elder Gods
Elder Goose
Children Of The Elder God

weak convergence of probability distribution:概率分布的弱收敛

weak color 弱色 | weak convergence of probability distribution 概率分布的弱收敛 | weak inhibited type 弱抑制型

Florescent lamp:荧光灯

Swing arm wall lamp摇臂灯 | Florescent lamp荧光灯 | Acrylic lamp亚克力灯

scalar wave equation:标量波动方程

标量波 scalar wave | 标量波动方程 scalar wave equation | 标量波动理论 scalar wave theory