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either... or...相关的网络解释

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与 either... or... 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

dig up 1:开垦(荒地等)2.查出,发现

dig out 挖出,查出(事实) | dig up 1开垦(荒地等)2.查出,发现 | either...or... 或...或...,不是...就是...

eat up:使沉迷于;使纠缠于

eat up 吃完,吃光;耗尽 | eat up 使沉迷于;使纠缠于 | either...or 或...或,不是...就是


Eisenhower 艾森豪威尔 | eisteddfod 诗人 | either or 其一的


either-or 二选一 | ejaculate 突然说出 | ejaculation 突然说出

employ oneself in:使忙于,使从事于

either...or 或...或,不是...就是 | employ oneself in 使忙于,使从事于 | empty of 缺乏,无

enjoy oneself:过得愉快

either...or 或者. . . 或者. . . | enjoy oneself 过得愉快 | even if 即使,尽管

or decompiling without opcodes:无操作码或反编译

either decompile by writing opcodes要么写操作码编译 | or decompiling without opcodes 无操作码或反编译 | 1. 1. Writing Opcodes 写操作码

or you're in the witness box putting him away. Think about that:就是坐在证人席指控他 好好想想吧

Now, if Freddie dies, you're either in the dock with Morty...|如... | ...or you're in the witness box putting him away. Think about that.|就是坐在证人席指控他 好好想想吧 | You know, I will have one of ...

Silver Bullet or Seger System:是《银子弹》还是《席格系统>

Probably later.|长大之后吧 | Silver Bullet or Seger System?|是<<银子弹>>还是<<席格系统>>? | Well, actually, I don't like either of those albums.|那些专辑我都不喜欢

or you can fade away|into teenybopper obscurity:要不就流于|无人问津的少年偶像

You can either do the duet with me|and become a superstar...|你要不和我一... | ...or you can fade away|into teenybopper obscurity.|要不就流于|无人问津的少年偶像 | Okay. I've heard enough, okay?|好,我已经...

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Either Or Either
Either / Or
Either You Don't Love Me Or I Don't Love You
Five Iron Frenzy Is Either Dead Or Dying
Five Iron Frenzy Is Either Dead Or Dying (Wannabe Ska Version)

territorial waters:鍰漆

﹛﹛Term 芩華逤? | ﹛﹛Territorial Waters 鍰漆 | ﹛﹛The Office of the Commissioner of Insurance 悵玸珛潼燴揭


Mesostigmata 中气门亚目 中气亚目 | Mesostoma 中口涡虫属 | Mesosuchia 中鳄亚目

Hit Team:重装警察

新扎师妹 Love Undercover (2002) | 重装警察 Hit Team (2001) | 游园惊梦 Peony Pavilion (2001)