英语人>网络解释>eat 相关的网络解释
与 eat 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

eat humble pie:忍辱负重

go steady with... 与某个异性稳步发展感情 | eat humble pie 忍辱负重 | a dog in the manger 如狗占马槽的人

to eat humble pie:忍辱含垢;忍气吞声

32. have a finger in the pie 干预某事;参与某事 | 33. to eat humble pie 忍辱含垢;忍气吞声 | 34. pie in the sky空想,不能实现的愿望或诺言

to eat humble pie:忍气吞声

41.少年老成 to have an old head on young shoulders | 42.忍气吞声 to eat humble pie | 43.本末倒置 to put the cart before the horse

devour: eat hungrily or greedy:吞吃,狼吞虎咽

20.wonder: to feel curiosity or be in doubt about 想知道 | 21.devour: eat hungrily or greedy 吞吃,狼吞虎咽 | 22.moreover: further,besides,in addition 而且

It is time to eat:到吃饭的时间了

2 bananas , please . 请给我拿2个香蕉. | It is time to eat . 到吃饭的时间了. | I have a gift for you . 我有一个礼物送给你.

It's time to eat:该吃饭了

19. 开饭了! Come and get it ! | 20. 该吃饭了! It's time to eat. | 21. 这就来了! I'm coming.

It's time to eat:该吃饭啦

Come and get it! 开饭啦! | It's time to eat. 该吃饭啦! | I'm coming. 这就来啦! I'm on my way.

It's time to eat:该吃钣了

Come and get it. 开饭了. | It's time to eat. 该吃钣了. | It's time for dinner. 开饭啦!

It's time to eat:可以吃饭(了). 直/嗄/到胡

我给你煮饭去. 厄阿/泥/博/直/洛. I will cook a meal for you. | 可以吃饭(了). 直/嗄/到胡. It's time to eat. | 你怎么做那么多菜? 泥/乞莫/哈车/含南/日? Why did you prepare so many dishes?

it's too bad to eat:太难吃了

.摒住呼吸 hold one's breath | .太难吃了 it's too bad to eat | .帮助我们上了火车help us board our train

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Dog Eat Dog
Dog Eat Dog
I Wants Ta Eat
Eat The Rich
Eat Some More (Taste The Pain)
Eat Your Dog
Let Them Eat War
She Is All (Gimme Something To Eat)
Total Soul Future (Eat It)
All U Can Eat

execute phase:执行阶段

execute part of cycle 周期的执行部分 | execute phase 执行阶段 | execute statement 执行语句

Preed to die:准备死啦

Ready to kill! 准备好杀戮 | Preed to die! 准备死啦 | Let me serve! 让我牺牲

point elasticity of supply:供給點彈性

point elasticity of demand需求點彈性 | point elasticity of supply供給點彈性 | population control人口控制