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与 dressed 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Show a little good faith:拿出点诚信出来吧

on your own time=非工作时间 | Show a little good faith. 拿出点诚信出来吧. | A well-dressed Asian man has just been shot by two Americans. 一个西装革履的亚洲人刚刚被两个被国人杀了.


i'm not dressed. 我没穿衣服 | Magnums 大号的 | some thing just gotta have their own rhythem. 事情都有其自身节奏

in poker manors." Red rose from the table:在撲克牌 manors 中. "來自桌子的紅色玫瑰

"Jump....I want you to show this gent a lesson / "跳躍... | in poker manors." Red rose from the table / 在撲克牌 manors 中. "來自桌子的紅色玫瑰 | and offered the dark dressed teen a seat. / 而且提供了被...

Mornay, Lochlan, Craig:莫纳,洛克兰,克雷格

Well, we didn't get dressed up for nothing. 是啊, 要不我们画成这样干吗. | Mornay, Lochlan, Craig. 莫纳,洛克兰,克雷格. | Here are the king's terms... 我来宣布国王的旨意--

It's merely a nine-day's wonder:(这是仅轰动一时的事. )

5.I have one hundred and one things to do.(我有很多事情要做. ) | 6.It's merely a nine-day's wonder.(这是仅轰动一时的事. ) | 7.She dressed up to the nines.(她穿着华丽的衣服. )

quidam ibi vestiuntur, some win their clothes here:要么大捞一把

ex his quidam denudantur some are stripped bare, 要么输个... | quidam ibi vestiuntur, some win their clothes here, 要么大捞一把, | quidam saccis induuntur. some are dressed in sacks. 光屁股的套个麻袋接...


9、跟着 follow after | 10、相貌平常 plain-looking | 11、打扮得漂亮 nicely dressed

press or iron:烫

clean or wash 洗 | press or iron 烫 | Why don't you get dressed now?put on your work clothes.你怎么现在还不穿衣服,穿上你的工作服吧?

take rain check:改日吧

sharpest dressed 着装最抢眼的 | take rain check 改日吧 | for what? like what? 什么啊?

I have seen all your movies 'cause Audrey's a stone fox:我看过你所有的电影 因为奥戴莉很流行

- # You look like Audrey Hepburn when you get all dressed up... | # I have seen all your movies 'cause Audrey's a stone fox #|#*我看过你所有的电影 因为奥戴莉很流行# | # So let's ride bikes into the sea...

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Lovely Lady Dressed In Blue
All Dressed Up For School
Dressed Up To Undress
Mama Don't Get Dressed Up For Nothing
Too Famous To Get Fully Dressed
Dressed To Kill
All Dressed Up
Dressed In Decay
You're Never Fully Dressed Without A Smile
Ebony Dressed For Sunset

tape certifier:磁带保证书

磁带认证 tape certification | 磁带保证书 tape certifier | 带通道 tape channel


dust-freeworkshop 无尘车间 | dust-laden 充满尘埃的 | dust-ladenair 有尘空气

Space Chimps:猩戰前傳 動作遊戲

Sonic: Unleashed索尼克:能量釋放 動作冒險遊戲 | Space Chimps猩戰前傳 動作遊戲 | Spectral Force 3 Innocent Rage 聖魔戰記3 無罪的狂熱 策略模擬遊戲