英语人>网络解释>dose 相关的网络解释
与 dose 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They turn the tables:他们扭转乾坤. (扭转了局势)

他这人跟别人不一样. He's lulu. | 他们扭转乾坤. (扭转了局势)They turn the tables. | 我要以其人之道还治其人之身. I wanna give him a dose/taste of his own

the Uigur nationality medicines:维吾尔药

The State Council 国务院 | the Uigur nationality medicines 维吾尔药 | the unit dose system of medication distribution 单位剂量调配系统

He turned to his uncomprehending wife and explained:他转向尚不理解的妻子,向她解释

2. uncomprehending: who dose not understanding 不理解;... | He turned to his uncomprehending wife and explained. 他转向尚不理解的妻子,向她解释. | incomprehensible: that cannot be understood 不能理解的...

percent uncounted for:未計百分數

燃耗百分數 percent burnup | 未計百分數 percent uncounted for | 百分比深劑量 percentage depth dose

OU:oculi unitas:两眼一起

OTD:organ tolerance dose 器官耐量(放射量) | OU:oculi unitas 两眼一起 | oculus uterque 每眼

Doppler velocimeter:都卜勒速度計 = 多普勒速度計

Doppler shift 都卜勒頻移 = 多普勒頻移 | Doppler velocimeter 都卜勒速度計 = 多普勒速度計 | dose equivalent 劑量當量

bacterial virulence:细菌毒力

半数致死量 50% lethal dose, LD 50 | 细菌毒力 bacterial virulence | 神经毒力 neurovirulence

Animal Model: Male Han Wistar Rats:(动物模型:雄性Han Wistar大鼠)

Study Design: In-life Phase(研究设计:体内研究期) | ? Animal Model: Male Han Wistar Rats(动物模型:雄性Han Wistar大鼠) | ? Dose-range finding studies(寻找剂量范围试验)

(动物模型:雄性Han Wistar大鼠):Animal Model: Male Han Wistar Rats

Study Design: In-life Phase(研究设计:体内研究期) | ? Animal Model: Male Han Wistar Rats(动物模型:雄性Han Wistar大鼠) | ? Dose-range finding studies(寻找剂量范围试验)


若以LID和LD药效关系来分类,又可分为峰值(Peak-dose)异动症,双程(Diphasic)异动症,关期(Off state)异动症,开期(On staste)异动症,和摇摇(Yo yo)异动症等.

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The Difference Between Medicine And Poison Is In The Dose
Legend (Lethal Dose Remix)
A Creeping Dose
Dose Of Dopeness
Dose Of Thunder
A Dose Of Rock 'N' Roll
Lethal Dose Of Love

gray interrelation:灰色关联

灰度编码:Gray-coded | 灰色关联:gray interrelation | 灰色模型:Gray-model

spiritual civilization:心性文明

农村城镇化:rural civilization | 心性文明:Spiritual Civilization | 依法治国:socialistic political civilization

likin park:现在最喜欢的音乐专辑

我听的音乐Rock | 现在最喜欢的音乐专辑Likin Park | 最近读的书Eragon and Eldest