英语人>网络解释>dose 相关的网络解释
与 dose 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

immunizing dose:免疫剂量

immunizing agent ==> 免疫剂 | immunizing dose ==> 免疫剂量 | immunizing potency ==> 免疫效能

incapacitating dose:使人丧失能力的剂量

inadvertent war,意外战争,, | incapacitating dose,使人丧失能力的剂量,, | incompetent rock,不坚实岩层,,

MNDMinimum necrosing dose:最小坏死剂量

MMEFMaximum midexpiratory flow最大呼气中期流量 | MNDMinimum necrosing dose最小坏死剂量 | MOU Memorandum of Understanding 谅解备忘录

MND Minimum necrosing dose:最小坏死剂量

MMEF Maximum midexpiratory flow 最大呼气中期流量 | MND Minimum necrosing dose 最小坏死剂量 | MOU Memorandum of Understanding 谅解备忘录

medicine; the dose is two spoonfuls every four hours:这是你的药,剂量是 每四小时服两匙

medicine; the dose is two spoonfuls every four hours. ;这是你的药,剂量是 每四小时服两匙. | draft n.草稿,草案,草图; 通风,气流;汇票; 征兵,服役... | Jefferson drafted The Declaration of Independence, ;杰斐...

tolerated dose:耐量

tolerate P-levels ==> 耐磷 | tolerated dose ==> 耐量 | toleration ecology ==> 耐性生态学

Maximum caplet dose:最高剂量

Features: 特点: | Maximum caplet dose最高剂量caplet | Fights osteoporosis打架骨质疏松症

metered-dose inhalers:定量吸入器

meta-analysis 荟萃分析 | metered-dose inhalers 定量吸入器 | methacholine 乙酰甲胆碱

It dose feel good to get stuff off your chest:把心里话说出来真的不错

21,confession might not be such a bad thing 忏悔没那么糟 | 22It dose feel good to get stuff off your chest 把心里话说出来真的不错 | 23,no comment 无可奉告

metered dose inhalations,MDIs:定量吸入剂

鼻腔给药 nasal delivery | 定量吸入剂 metered dose inhalations,MDIs | 干粉吸入剂 dry powder inhalations,DPIs

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The Difference Between Medicine And Poison Is In The Dose
Legend (Lethal Dose Remix)
A Creeping Dose
Dose Of Dopeness
Dose Of Thunder
A Dose Of Rock 'N' Roll
Lethal Dose Of Love

gray interrelation:灰色关联

灰度编码:Gray-coded | 灰色关联:gray interrelation | 灰色模型:Gray-model

spiritual civilization:心性文明

农村城镇化:rural civilization | 心性文明:Spiritual Civilization | 依法治国:socialistic political civilization

likin park:现在最喜欢的音乐专辑

我听的音乐Rock | 现在最喜欢的音乐专辑Likin Park | 最近读的书Eragon and Eldest