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Feature: DOOR CLOSER:特写:闭门器

Brand: Yale Security 品牌:耶鲁安全 | Feature: DOOR CLOSER 特写:闭门器 | Label: Yale Security 标签:耶鲁安全

chain door fastener:安全门链

casement fastener 钢窗扳手 | chain door fastener 安全门链 | claw belt fastener 皮带联接锁扣

I know the grass beyond the door:门外的青草是那样的熟悉

But when or how I cannot tell: 何时怎样却已忘记; | I know the grass beyond the door, 门外的青草是那样的熟悉, | The sweet keen smell, 甜美的芳香沁人心脾,

I know the grass beyond the door:只记得门外芳草依依,阵阵甜香

But when or how I cannot tell; 何时,何因,却不知详; | I know the grass beyond the door, 只记得门外芳草依依,阵阵甜香, | The sighing sound,the lights around the shore. 围绕岸边的闪光,海的叹息.

I know the grass beyond the door:门口的草我多末的熟悉

But when or how I cannot tell: 但我说不出合适来到何来到的原因. | I know the grass beyond the door, 门口的草我多末的熟悉 | The Sweet, keen smell, , 甜美 沁人心脾

I know the grass beyond the door:我記得門前綠草如茵

But when and how I cannot tell: 不知何時 為何而來 | I know the grass beyond the door, 我記得門前綠草如茵 | The sweet keen smell, 芬香撲鼻

bottom door hanger link:底门吊环

second master 第二校长 | bottom door hanger link 底门吊环 | inversion region 反转区

door hasp staple:车门搭扣锁环

brelogue 系于表链上的小饰物 | door hasp staple 车门搭扣锁环 | silver side 牛腿肉最好的部分(上股肉)

door key:门钥匙

在壁炉前找到了门钥匙(Door Key),同时还注意到壁炉的烟囱是能通到屋子里的,只是炉火挡住了去路. 用钥匙开门进入壁炉间的房间,里面竟有只见人就撞的公羊. 威廉躲进隔壁的厨房,找到了火腿(Ham)、一瓶酒(A Bottle of Wine )和空水桶(Empty Bucket).

door key:门锁匙

purse 钱包 | door-key 门锁匙 | feature 人物特征

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At Your Door
At Your Door
Out The Door
The Blue Door
Fire Door
Stranger At My Door
Knock A Door Run
Secret Door
Door To Door
Door To Door

soot door:出灰口

soot pit 出灰坑 | soot door 出灰口 | soot 烟黑

Meat Tenderize:肉锤

Sharpening Steel磨刀棒 | Meat Tenderize肉锤 | Film保鲜膜

Tamil Nadu:泰米尔纳德

海得拉巴珠宝展主要的目标买家来自南印度四个邦--安得拉邦(Andhra Pradesh), 泰米尔纳德(Tamil Nadu), 喀拉拉(Kerala), 卡纳塔克(Kamataka)及中东. 这些买家包括珠宝批发商、零售商、进出口商、珠宝制造商、钻石及宝石供应商及经销商、珍珠供应商及经销商、贵金属及镶嵌珠宝的供应商及经销商、奢侈品个人消费者.