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与 door-hinge 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"Chinese door knob"plum and peach cake:门丁李桃

美味油鸡 "Delicate taste chicken | 门丁李桃 "Chinese door knob"plum and peach cake | 焖鸡肝 Braised chicken live

Shaoxing Wolong Door Openners & Poller Shutter Operattors Co., Ltd:绍兴卧龙门业有限公司

Shaoxing Entive Electric Co., Ltd. 绍兴市亿... | Shaoxing Wolong Door Openners & Poller Shutter Operattors Co., Ltd. 绍兴卧龙门业有限公司 | Shen Young Metal Embellishment Material Corp. 苏州升扬金属装饰...

Pompeian scum at our very door:庞贝的手下的那些杂碎在我们的门外

You lost Rome!|你已经失去罗马了! | Pompeian scum at our very door!|庞贝的手下的那些杂碎在我们的门外 | It's intolerable.|真让人无法忍受

well,practice makes perfect. leaving,out the door:实践出真知 - 我走 出门了

uh,anywhere from an hour to 20 minutes?|大概20分钟到1小时之间吧 | well,practice makes perfect. leaving,out the door.|- 实践出真知 - 我走 出门了 | it feels comfortable,|没有的事儿 她就像个家人 很随意的

the rearmost door:公交车的后门

safety zone安全岛 | the rearmost door公交车的后门 | crossing against the light不守灯号过马路

Holding open a restive door:撐開頑強的門板

What would it take my standing there for, 它究作何想我站立彼邊, | Holding open a restive door, 撐開頑強的門板, | Looking down hill to a frothy shore? 下望多泡的岸灘?

revolving door:旋转门

新闻媒体与政界紧密相连的另一表征是一种被美国人称为"旋转门"(revolving door)的现象. 旋转门,顾名思义,就是这边进那边出. 的确,美国新闻界有许多著名人士不停地在媒体与政界之间来回穿梭. 例如,威廉.塞发尔,就曾是尼克松的特别助理和演说词撰稿人.

revolving door:转门

被称作"旋转门"(Revolving Door)的机制,是我们了解美国腐败的最便捷的切入点. 所谓"旋转门",指的是个人在公共部门和私人部门之间双向转换角色、穿梭交叉为利益集团牟利的机制. 大体而言,"旋转门"机制可以被归为两类.

revolving door:十字形旋转门

revolver 旋转者 | revolving door 十字形旋转门 | revolving 循环的

revolving door:循环活动

循规蹈矩的人/good eiver | 循环活动/revolving door | 循环链/endless chain

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At Your Door
At Your Door
Out The Door
The Blue Door
Fire Door
Stranger At My Door
Knock A Door Run
Secret Door
Door To Door
Door To Door

execute phase:执行阶段

execute part of cycle 周期的执行部分 | execute phase 执行阶段 | execute statement 执行语句

Preed to die:准备死啦

Ready to kill! 准备好杀戮 | Preed to die! 准备死啦 | Let me serve! 让我牺牲

point elasticity of supply:供給點彈性

point elasticity of demand需求點彈性 | point elasticity of supply供給點彈性 | population control人口控制