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do up sth相关的网络解释

查询词典 do up sth

与 do up sth 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

aged from 4 to up:年龄4以上

117. after periods of time 一段时间以后 | 118. aged from 4 to up 年龄4以上 | 121. agree to do sth 同意做. . .

agree to sb:建议

4agree to do sth同意干某事 | 5agree to sb建议 | 6agree up sth在某一点上取得一致意见

be brought up in a...village:在一个...村里长大

It is very relaxing to do sth.. 做某事很惬意 | be brought up in a...village 在一个...村里长大 | his best childhood memories 他的最好的童年回忆

bind up:包扎 装订成册

bindsb. to do sth. [律]责令某人履行某种义务 | bind to 订约; 约定 | bind up 包扎 装订成册

call sb up =call sb:给某人打电话

25.try not to do sth尽力不做... | 8.call sb up =call sb 给某人打电话 | 9.a ticket to a ball game 一场球赛的票

To cook up something:编造理由

Do sth. outdoorsy 野外活动 | To cook up something 编造理由 | Hand in glove 密切配合

encase in:包围, 包裹

do up 把...收拾整齐; 包扎 | encase in 包围, 包裹 | involve in sth./doing sth. 包括, 包含; 参与

sb happen to do:某人恰好做某事

sb. get used to doing/sth. 习惯于......、适应 | sb. happen to do 某人恰好做某事 | send up 使......上升;发射

give sb. a ride = pick sb. up:用车带某人一路

wake up 醒来 | give sb. a ride = pick sb. up 用车带某人一路 | forget to do sth. 忘记做某事(该事尚未完成)

take trouble to do:不辞辛苦地做

take to sth%[]%喜欢;养成...习惯% | take trouble to do%[]%不辞辛苦地做...% | take up%[]%占去,占据;开始从事;拿起,捡起%

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Algonquin College:阿耳冈昆学院

Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology offering degree programs开设应用艺术和技术的学位课程的学院 | Algonquin College 阿耳冈昆学院 | Centennial College 百年纪念学院

biological purification:生物净化

biological potential 生物电位 | biological purification 生物净化 | biological self-purification 生物自净作用


"超管线的","superpipelined" | "重叠振铃","superposed" | "重叠电路","superposed circuit"