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与 dizzying 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

recently revamped itself to appeal to the middle class:最近改革以攻取中产阶级市场

最近民望急速下降has lately seen his popularity plunge with dizzying speed | 最近改革以攻取中产阶级市场recently revamped itself to appeal to the middle class | 最高权力the highest prerogative

recently revamped itself to a eal to the middle cla:最近改革以攻取中产阶级市场

最近民望急速下降has lately seen his popularity plunge with dizzying eed | 最近改革以攻取中产阶级市场recently revamped itself to a eal to the middle cla | 最高权力the highest prerogative


dizzying 令人昏乱的 | dizzyingly 令人昏乱地 | Djakarta 雅加达

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gray interrelation:灰色关联

灰度编码:Gray-coded | 灰色关联:gray interrelation | 灰色模型:Gray-model

spiritual civilization:心性文明

农村城镇化:rural civilization | 心性文明:Spiritual Civilization | 依法治国:socialistic political civilization

likin park:现在最喜欢的音乐专辑

我听的音乐Rock | 现在最喜欢的音乐专辑Likin Park | 最近读的书Eragon and Eldest