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与 disorder 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

German measles, rubella:德国麻疹

传染病 infectious and parasitic disorder | 德国麻疹 German measles; rubella | 地方病 endemic disease

winter getaway:冬日旅行

season affective disorder 季节变换忧虑症 | winter getaway 冬日旅行 | a bird of passage 侯鸟

grasp at a straw:抓救命稻草

To be a leader, you should know how to call the shots. 作为领导,你应该知道怎么... | grasp at a straw抓救命稻草 | The criminal tried to grasp at a straw by feigning mental disorder. 罪犯装疯,企图抓住一根...

Willy-nilly - haphazardly, undecisive:不管愿意不愿意,无论想要不想要 or 随意的,乱糟糟的

Higgledy-piggledy - messy, disorder 杂乱无章,混乱 | Willy-nilly - haphazardly, undecisive 不管愿意不愿意,无论想要不想要 or 随意的,乱糟糟的 | Skedaddle - run-away, leave, escape 匆忙离去,溜走

Could be hemochromatosis:可能是血色病

You accusing the symptoms of lying?|你指责症状在骗人? | Could be hemochromatosis.|可能是血色病 | Wouldn't account for the personality disorder.|解释不了人格紊乱

NOS Histoplasmosis unspecified:组织胞浆菌病

杜波依西变种组织胞浆菌病 Histoplasmosis duboisii | 组织胞浆菌病 NOS Histoplasmosis unspecified | 强迫型人格障碍 Histrionic personality disorder

histrionic personality:剧化型人格

histrionic muscles 表情肌 | histrionic personality 剧化型人格 | histrionic personality disorder 剧化型人格异常

hysterical personality; histrionic personality:歇斯底里型个性

无能个性 inadequate personality | 歇斯底里型个性 hysterical personality; histrionic personality | 性别认同困惑 disorder of gender-role identification

iatrogenic homosexuality:误导性同性恋 误导性同性恋

iatrogenic disorder 误诊致病 | iatrogenic homosexuality 误导性同性恋 误导性同性恋 | iatrogenic neurosis 误诊性神经症

iatrogenic homosexuality:误导性同性恋

iatrogenic disorder 误诊致病 | iatrogenic homosexuality 误导性同性恋 | iatrogenic neurosis 误诊性神经症

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Delirium Of Disorder
Host Disorder
This Disorder
Identity Disorder
Chaos And Disorder
Disorder & Disarray
Chicago (Multiple Personality Disorder Version)

Res Judicata:已决事件

[5] 也不能排除下级法院-尤其是州法院-决定立法的合宪性问题,而该案未被带到最高法院,且最高法院在另一个案例中审查同样的立法时以相反的方式决定问题. 然后,已决事件(res judicata)原则使得其它法院不可能根据最高法院的决定来调整其先前决定.

observe the proprieties:守礼节; 依照社交惯例

a breach of propriety 失礼行为 | observe the proprieties 守礼节; 依照社交惯例 | I doubt the propriety of doing so.我怀疑这样做是否适当.

eleven consciousnesses:十一識

eleven coarse and heavy hindrances 十一种麁重, 十一麁重 | eleven consciousnesses 十一识 | Eleven kinds of emptiness 十一空