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与 disorder 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


behavior disorder 行为异常 | bestiality 兽奸 | bibliotics 笔迹鉴定学;文件真伪鉴定学

bizarre behavior:怪异行为

Delusion 妄想 2.56±0.91 2.71±0.95 -0.78 | Bizarre behavior 怪异行为 1.88±0.75 1.88±0.76 -0.02 | Thinking disorder 阳性思维形式障碍 0.91±1.23 0.98±1.12 -0.30


比赛,竞赛: game, match, competition, contest, tournament, chal... | 边缘: edge, limit, margin, threshold, boundary, bounds, border, frontier, verge | 病: illness, disorder, disease, sickness, ailment, ...

organic brain damage:脑器官损伤

organic anxiety 器质性焦虑 | organic brain damage 脑器官损伤 | organic brain disorder 器质性脑障碍 器质性脑障碍

Organized brilliantly:故事组织的精采绝伦

There is a grave disorder.|他就有严重的精神错乱了 | Organized brilliantly.|故事组织的精采绝伦 | He's got an answer for everything.|一切都对答如流

Bring sth over:把...带过来(如带饭)

Bring sth over把...带过来(如带饭) | depressive disorder. 抑郁症 | Portable hard drive移动硬盘

sthma, bronchitis or bronchospasm:昦

昦sthma, bronchitis or bronchospasm | 晄pread problems, or blood vessel disorder (such as Raynaud's murrain) | 昫ip

Bulimia Nervosa:心因性暴食症

饮食障碍(eating disorder)是以饮食行为出现障碍为主要特徵的疾病,这是一种精神上的疾病,主要包括「心因性厌食症(anorexia nervosa)」及「心因性暴食症(bulimia nervosa)」二大类.

Bulimia Nervosa:暴食症

昨天晚上在一个网站上看到鲁豫有约以前做的一期关于eating disorder的节目,包括厌食症(Anorexia Nervosa) 暴食症(Bulimia Nervosa).


chaos n 混乱(disorder)...charisma n 魅力,感召力...chary adj 谨慎的(cautious)魅力 魅力(glamour) 特别的吸引力、迷惑力. 以人为主要对象的用语. 笑的魅力、声音的魅力、眼神的魅力、身体的魄力、性格的魅力......人的魅力可以无所不在,

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Delirium Of Disorder
Host Disorder
This Disorder
Identity Disorder
Chaos And Disorder
Disorder & Disarray
Chicago (Multiple Personality Disorder Version)


plastic 塑胶 | plasticine 塑像用粘土 | plasticity 可塑性

Steel Skeleton Construction:钢骨构造

"钢珠","steel shot" | "钢骨构造","steel skeleton construction" | "钢枕(铁路)","steel sleeper"

Senecio cineraria:银叶菊

垂盆草 Sedum sarmentosum | 银叶菊 Senecio cineraria | 97 加拿大一枝黄花 Solidago canadensis