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与 diplomas 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

蓝筹股 blue chips滥发文凭:issue diplomas recklessly

垃圾分类收集 separate waste collection | 蓝筹股 blue chips滥发文凭 issue diplomas recklessly | 滥发纸币 excessive issue of bank notes; excessive note issue

Fake Diplomas:假文凭

40.Develop Our Creative Mind培养我们创造性思维 | 41. Fake Diplomas假文凭 | 42. Embracing the Knowledge Economy Age拥抱知识经济时代

Fake Diplomas:假

166. 学会如何学习:Learn How to Learn | 167. 假****:Fake Diplomas | 168. 书的不良影响:My View on the Negative Effects of Books

Fake Diplomas:假学历

167.搞会咋样温习:Learn How to Learn | 168.假学历:Fake Diplomas | 169.书的不良效果:My View on the Negative Effects of Books

issue diplomas recklessly:滥发文凭

扩招increase enrollment | 滥发文凭issue diplomas recklessly | 滥发纸币excessive issue of bank notes; excessive note issue

issue diplomas recklessly:蓝筹股 blue chips滥发文凭

垃圾分类收集 separate waste collection | 蓝筹股 blue chips滥发文凭 issue diplomas recklessly | 滥发纸币 excessive issue of bank notes; excessive note issue


大专(文凭课程)(Diplomas):学制一般是4-6个学期长(约2-3年),文凭课程是专注在某特定职业目标或方向. 文凭课程包括:企业(管理(Business Administration)、工程技术(Engineering Technology)、旅馆/休闲及旅游(Hospitality,




加拿大高等教育全称为"中学以上的教育"(Postsecondary Education)提供学位(degrees)、文凭(diplomas)、证书(certificates)和证明直接转到大学里. 比如在魁北克省,普通和职业教育学院(CEGEP)可以国那加拿大的大学(University)是高度自治的,


大专(文凭课程)(Diplomas):学制一般是4-6个学期长(约2-3年),文凭课程是专注在某特定职业目标或方向. 文凭课程包括:企业(管理(Business Administration)、工程技术(Engineering Technology)、旅馆/休闲及旅游(Hospitality,

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reliability reassignment:可靠性再分配

reliability program for system 系统可靠性规划 | reliability reassignment 可靠性再分配 | reliability report 可靠性报告

Lots and lots of gum-gum:(很多很多的糖糖)

Yes, I did, fathead.(是的,傻瓜) | Lots and lots of gum-gum.(很多很多的糖糖) | 轉載至奇摩知識+的MAC


multiple-order 多级 | multiple-orificevalve 多孔板阀 | multiple-pass 多程