英语人>网络解释>desire 相关的网络解释

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与 desire 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Who heastes to clime seeks to revert:攀龙附凤终得报应

野心跳动贪欲可窥 And blind desire of ambitious souls | 攀龙附凤终得报应 Who heastes to clime seeks to revert | 王座之上雷霆尽催 And about the throne the thunder rolls

sexual intercourse ; coitus ; coition:性交

性欲 sexual desire ; libido | 性交 sexual intercourse ; coitus ; coition | 杨萎 impotence


要求 request, require, desire | 受限制的 restricted,comfortless | 趋势 direction,trend

by compulsion:强迫

e.g. take part under compulsion 协从;被迫参与 | by compulsion 强迫 | =strong and unreasonable desire that is difficult to control. 强烈欲望;难以克制的冲动

In the meeting, voters raised concerns about health care:选民们在会上提出了对卫生保健状况的担忧

Don't hesitate to ask if you have any queries or concerns abou... | In the meeting, voters raised concerns about health care. 选民们在会上提出了对卫生保健状况的担忧. | a desire to protect and help sb/...



Cordon Line:调查区境界线

主流倾向线-- Major Directional Desire Line | 调查区境界线-- Cordon Line | 分隔查核线-- Screen Line

Angelika: cotton candy:中文叫棉花糖. 带有大片银色亮片的粉红

4.Amour: Peachy pink. 有想像没带亮粉的Orgasm. | 5.Angelika: cotton candy 中文叫棉花糖. 带有大片银色亮片的粉红. | 6.Desire: cotton candy pink. 没有Angelika那么大的亮片,但是多一分粉甜感.


大部分人需要的东西包括:林肯曾在写信时提到:"人人都喜欢受人称赞. "威廉.詹姆斯也说:"人类本质中最殷切的需求是:渴望被肯定. "他不用"希望"(wish)、"需要"(desire)或是"盼望"(longing)等字眼,而用的是"渴望"(craving)这个字.

Crowds of people passing by:人群穿梭

A metropolis of enticement and desire 诱惑欲望之都 | Crowds of people passing by 人群穿梭 | With shining happiness in their faces 带着满脸幸福

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Power Of Desire
My Desire
Mist Of Desire
Burned With Desire
That's My Desire
Song Of Your Desire
A Streetkid Named Desire
Desire Be, Desire Go

territorial waters:鍰漆

﹛﹛Term 芩華逤? | ﹛﹛Territorial Waters 鍰漆 | ﹛﹛The Office of the Commissioner of Insurance 悵玸珛潼燴揭


Mesostigmata 中气门亚目 中气亚目 | Mesostoma 中口涡虫属 | Mesosuchia 中鳄亚目

Hit Team:重装警察

新扎师妹 Love Undercover (2002) | 重装警察 Hit Team (2001) | 游园惊梦 Peony Pavilion (2001)