查询词典 deaf
- 与 deaf 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
a deaf-and-dumb guy:聋哑人
3.foist on 强加于 | 4.a deaf-and-dumb guy 聋哑人 | 5. hardware store 五金店
Deaf-Blind Awareness Week:(海伦?凯勒周)
Father's Day(父亲节) | Deaf-Blind Awareness Week(海伦"凯勒周) | Dragon Boat Festival(端午节)
Declaration on the Rights of Deaf-Blind Persons:聋盲者权利宣言草案
Declaration on the Rights and Welfare of the African Child,非洲儿童权... | Declaration on the Rights of Deaf-Blind Persons,聋盲者权利宣言草案,, | Declaration on the Rights of Developing Nations,发展中国...
Declaration on the Rights of Deaf-Blind Persons:聋盲者权利宣言
Declaration on the Rights and Welfare of the African Child;非洲儿童权利... | Declaration on the Rights of Deaf-Blind Persons;聋盲者权利宣言;; | Declaration on the Rights of Developing Nations;发展中国家...
International Association for the Education of Deaf-Blind:国际聋哑人教育协会
International Association for the Economics of Self-... | International Association for the Education of Deaf-Blind,国际聋哑人教育协会,, | International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Ac...
deaf-mutism, rheumatism, alcoholism, albinism, iodism:表示疾病名称
10. 表示制度 multipartism, federalism, parliamentarism, certralism | 11. 表示疾病名称 deaf-mutism, rheumatism, alcoholism, albinism, iodism | 12. 其它 patriotism, organism, journalism
因为聋(deaf)或听障(hard of hearing)只是听力残疾,并不是语言残疾(哑dumb). 但是因为听力不好,听力残疾人无法矫正自己的发音,所以说话的清晰程度有所不同而已.
显著影响正常社交能力的听力减迟称为聋(deafness),因双耳听力障碍(hearing handicap)不能以语言进行正常社交者称为聋哑或聋人(deaf). 定义:系继发于基因或染色体异常等遗传缺陷(genetic defect)的听觉器官发育缺陷而导致的听力障碍.
whitener 漂白剂 | deaf 聋的 | deafen 变聋
重听 be hard of hearing | 耳聋 deaf | 耳鸣 ringing of ears ; tinnitus
- 相关中文对照歌词
- Falling Upon Deaf Ears
- Rhymes for the Deaf, Dumb and Blind
- The Deaf Policemen
- Cloud Cult:the Deaf Girl's Song
- Heat Deaf Melted Grill
- Vild (Deaf, Dumb And Blind)
- When I Go Deaf
- Deaf Forever
- Stone Deaf In The USA
- A Song For The Deaf
- 推荐网络解释
I couldn't be more tragic:我就披下喜剧的华服
And if I were the King of Rome 若我非罗马王 | I couldn't be more tragic 我就披下喜剧的华服 | My fate to roam 命运支使
speak in public:在公共场合说话
58.do a personality survey 做一个性格调查 | 59.speak in public 在公共场合说话 | 60.hardly ever 几乎不
2、执行"编辑"(Edit)|"变换"( Transform)|"扭曲(distort)命令,将"三维字"拉成透视状. 百度(baidu)提供的内容