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cut out相关的网络解释

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与 cut out 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

on the evening of October, 31st:在十月三十一日的晚上

21. cut out the eyes 切、割出眼睛 | 22. on the evening of October, 31st 在十月三十一日的晚上 | 23. Happy Halloween! 万圣节快乐!

Drawstring hood closes tight to keep out windblown rain:拉胡德关闭严密,以防止风吹雨

Full zip front with elastic cuffs充分邮编前线与弹性袖口 | Drawstring hood closes tight to keep out windblown rain拉胡德关闭严密,以防止风吹雨 | Generous cut for golf swing慷慨削减高尔夫挥杆

Get yourself a work-out buddy:找一个与你同行的健身伙伴吧

戒掉一切脂肪类的食物 Cut back on the fat. | 找一个与你同行的健身伙伴吧 Get yourself a work-out buddy. | 我得去练练肌肉了 I've got to pump some iron.

scoop sth. out:用勺子舀

move sth. up and down 上下移动...... | scoop sth. out 用勺子舀...... | cut sth. thin 把......切薄

sleep like a top:睡的很香

coming out well 上相 | sleep like a top 睡的很香 | be cut out to be 天生否则做...的料

motor cutout switch:电动机切断开关

motor cut-out switch 电动机停机开关 | motor cutout switch 电动机切断开关 | motor cuts out 发动机停车

Eventually, you end up in a place where they kick the crap out of you:最后,再用一堆骗人的废话来搪塞他的询问

You don't follow up, and you throw him from place to place. ... | Eventually, you end up in a place where they kick the crap out of you .最后,再用一堆骗人的废话来搪塞他的询问. | That doesn't cut it. 那...

for crying out loud:我的天呐

All right, we got to cut this goddamn hair of yours,|好吧 我们得剪掉你这讨厌的头发 | For crying out loud.|我的天呐 | Okay.|好了

and trick out the alarm system computer:破坏警报系统的电脑

...you cut in...|你潜进银行... | ...and trick out the alarm system computer...|破坏警报系统的电脑... | ...to turn itself...|使电脑...

measure out:量出 配出

measure one's strength with 和...较量, 和...对打 | measure out 量出; 配出 | Measure thrice and cut once. [谚]三思而后行.

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Cut It Out
Cut It Out
Cut It Out
Cut Out
Cut Me Out
Phone Cut Out
Cut Myself Out
Cut It Out
Not Cut Out
Cut Out The Disease


luciferin 荧光素 | lucifugal 避光的 | lucimycin 鲁斯霉素 光明霉素

order of approximation:近似等级

金文 bell-cauldron inscription, bronze inscription | 近似等级 order of approximation | 竞争和聚合 compete and converge


人和杂食性家畜如猪、犬和猫,以及野生肉食动物,如狐、狼、狗熊、貂和海象以及鼠类等...由巴贝斯科 (Babesiidae) 的原虫所引起的一种梨形虫...由圆形动物门线虫纲(Nematoda)毛圆科(Trichost-rongylidae)血矛属 (Haemonchus)的线虫所引起的一种