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与 court-martialing 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Compensation under out-of-court settlement agreements:庭外和解金

- Stamp duty 印花税 | Compensation under out-of-court settlement agreements庭外和解金 | Total other corporate expenses 全部其他公司费

prodding Microsoft into an out-of-court settlement:促使微软寻求庭外和解

拒绝接受和解方案/拒绝接受赔偿方案reject the settlement p... | 促使微软寻求庭外和解prodding Microsoft into an out-of-court settlement | 某人仍可能被循其它途径检控somebody could still be sued through oth...

out-of-court dispute settlement mechanism:庭外争端解决机制

zoning law分区法 | out-of-court dispute settlement mechanism庭外争端解决机制 | Rural Tax and Fees农村税费

would not rule out agreeing to an out-of-court settlement:不排除会接纳庭外和解

不会回去打理家族生意 would not return to... | 不排除会接纳庭外和解 would not rule out agreeing to an out-of-court settlement | 不排除在农历新年后会有更多酒楼结业 would not rule out further restaurant c...

Everyone at court has a Papist somewhere in their family:宫廷的每个人家里都有天主教徒

Why impossible?|为什么不可能呢? | Everyone at court has a Papist somewhere in their family.|宫廷的每个人家里都有天主教徒 | Francis. Just as you have.|弗朗西斯,正像你一样

pay court to:追求(女人)

pay clerk 出纳员 | pay court to 追求(女人) | pay day 付款日, 发工资日, 结算日, 交割日

pay court to sb:向某人求爱

patriarchalrule 家长统治 | pay court to sb. 向某人求爱 | piles of dirty dishes and pots 一堆脏碟子

pay court to somebody:追求

start over 重新开始 | pay court to somebody: 追求 | scarve 领带

Pelota Court:回力球

11 击剑Fencing | 12 回力球Pelota Court | 13 滑雪2 Skling 2

police court:违警罪法庭

到了三月一日,王尔德不顾好友的劝阻,在艾尔佛瑞的怂恿下申请逮捕侯爵,隔天侯爵便因毁谤罪名在位于马尔伯勒(Marlborough Street)的违警罪法庭(Police Court)出庭应讯.

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Odin's Court
Kangaroo Court
Holdin' Court
Regent's Court
People's Court
Court And Spark
The Court Of The Crimson King
Tennis Court
Auntie's Municipal Court
Full Court Mess


perilymph 外淋巴 | perilymphangitis 淋巴管周炎 | perimeter 视野计


won 元 | matta 对(没错) | jeulgeoptta 愉快

Phototactic behaviour:趋光行为

有关研究为生物监测提供了一种很有应用前景的方法.但是,该方法尚处于研究初期,在理论与应用方面所积累的资料很少,国内尚无有关的研究.因此,利用溞科浮游生物的趋光行为(phototactic behaviour)监测环境中的污染物质,