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与 commercial 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


reciprocal recognition and enforcement of judgements in civil and commercial matters 对等承认及执行民商事判决 | re-count 重新点票 | re-election 竞选连任;改选;重选

land reclamation district:农垦区

农工商联合企业 (-:-) agro-industrial-commercial combines | 农垦区 (-:-) land reclamation district | 农民集体 (-:-) peasant collective

fees paid by farmersfor overall township planning and village reserve:乡统筹,村提留

下海 plunge into the commercial sea | 乡统筹,村提留 fees paid by farmersfor overall township planning and village reserve | 乡镇企业 township enterprises

b) Sight Bill and Time Bill:即期汇票和远期汇票

a) Clean Bill and Documentary Bill 光票和跟单汇票; | b) Sight Bill and Time Bill 即期汇票和远期汇票; | c) Commercial Bill and Banker's Bill 商业汇票和银行汇票;

Well, have you ever considered tar macadam:你考虑过要铺柏油吗

- Pain in the neck. - Never bothered me.|-脖子好酸... | Well, have you ever considered tar macadam?|你考虑过要铺柏油吗? | People think it's just for public works or commercial purposes,|一般以为那是用在...

Alaska Steamship Company:阿拉斯加轮舟公司(美)

African Steamship Co. 非洲轮舟公司(英) | Alaska Steamship Company 阿拉斯加轮舟公司(美) | American Commercial Barge Line company 美国商业驳舟航运公司

sky space advertising:空中广告

广告牌 billboard | 空中广告 sky space advertising | 插播广告 commercial

Skim coat and Painting over old tile fa?ade:瓷砖翻新腻子

铝合金盖板 Cladding over old tile fa?ade - for High-Grade Image (Commercial) Bu... | 瓷砖翻新腻子 Skim coat and Painting over old tile fa?ade. | 瓷砖翻新界面剂 Bonding agent and Painting over old tile ...

short from bill:略式提单

order bill of lading 指示提单 | short from bill 略式提单 | commercial acceptance bill 商业承兑汇票

Harbor, deep sea fishery:遠海漁港

商業港 Harbor, commercial | 遠海漁港 Harbor, deep sea fishery | 河口港 Harbor, estuary

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Reebok Commercial
Commercial Break
Commercial Break
A Commercial
Coke Commercial #1
Coke Commercial #2
Commercial (Young Guns)
Double Deuces (St. Ide's Malt Liquor Commercial)
A Viable Commercial

execute phase:执行阶段

execute part of cycle 周期的执行部分 | execute phase 执行阶段 | execute statement 执行语句

Preed to die:准备死啦

Ready to kill! 准备好杀戮 | Preed to die! 准备死啦 | Let me serve! 让我牺牲

point elasticity of supply:供給點彈性

point elasticity of demand需求點彈性 | point elasticity of supply供給點彈性 | population control人口控制