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查询词典 chickens

与 chickens 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


青松亭 Pavilions under Green Pines | 松 Pines | 鸡菊 Chickens with Chrysanthemums


<<和天线宝宝学英文 动物篇 剧情简介>>- 这张光碟将介绍哈罗(Hello)、再见(Goodbye)和以(Sheep)和山羊(Goat) 另还会介绍以下的复数形:狗(Dogs)、兔子(Rabbits)、绵羊(Sheep)、鸡(Chickens)、牛(Cows)和山羊(Goats)

Cows, sheep and oxen, all standing at ease:猪圈里,小小猪仔,哼哼昂昂

There are farmyards complete with their fences and trees. 农场里,篱... | Cows, sheep and oxen, all standing at ease. 猪圈里,小小猪仔,哼哼昂昂, | Turkeys and ducks and fine chickens and hens, 奶牛、公牛与...

Bamboo palm:雪佛里椰子

虎尾兰Snake plant | 雪佛里椰子Bamboo palm | 长生花Hen and chickens

chicken heart:胆怯, 胆小鬼

chicken: 胆小的,懦弱的,少的 | chicken heart: 胆怯, 胆小鬼 | don't count your chickens before they're hatched. 不要太早打如意算盘.

a chattering of choughs:一群紅嘴山鴉

a brood of chickens 一窩雞 | a chattering of choughs 一群紅嘴山鴉 | a covert of coots 一群大鷭


Whole chickens 全鸡 | Livers 鸡肝 | Breasts 鸡胸

You could kick their rumps:你可以修理他们

They're just a bunch of wimpy donkeys!|他们只不过是一群弱鸡 ... | You could kick their rumps!|你可以修理他们 | - Ryan, I can't fight them. - You donkey-chickens! Get back here!|雷恩, 我不能 你们在逃避什...

greatly upset like a poultry yard visited by a fox:雞犬不寧

寧為雞口,勿為牛後 would rather be leader anywhere than follower... | 雞犬不寧 greatly upset like a poultry yard visited by a fox; | 雞犬不留 utter extermination ("even chickens and dogs are not spared"...

Like I always say, ain't nothin' better than farm-fresh eggs for breakfast:像我常说的 没什么比新鲜蛋做早餐更好的了

How about I go feed the chickens and grab some ... | Like I always say, ain't nothin' better than farm-fresh eggs for breakfast!|像我常说的 没什么比新鲜蛋做早餐更好的了! | Who in the Sam Heck was that?...

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All The Chickens
I Move Chickens
Chickens In The Pen
Ain't Nobody Here But Us Chickens
Stickin' Chickens
Slangin' Chickens
Chickens No Flour

gray interrelation:灰色关联

灰度编码:Gray-coded | 灰色关联:gray interrelation | 灰色模型:Gray-model

spiritual civilization:心性文明

农村城镇化:rural civilization | 心性文明:Spiritual Civilization | 依法治国:socialistic political civilization

likin park:现在最喜欢的音乐专辑

我听的音乐Rock | 现在最喜欢的音乐专辑Likin Park | 最近读的书Eragon and Eldest