英语人>网络解释>cash in 相关的网络解释
cash in相关的网络解释

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与 cash in 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Pledged deposits:有抵押存款

Prepayment, deposits and other receivables 预付款项、订金及其他应收款项 6,007 | Pledged deposits 有抵押存款 11,545 | Cash at bank and in hand 手头银行现金 15,634

Can be recharged at home through the Internet:可以在家中通过互联网被刷新

Smart card-based e-cash 基于智能... | Can be recharged at home through the Internet 可以在家中通过互联网被刷新 | Can be used on the Internet as well as in a non-Internet environment 能够被在互联网环境下...

fellow subsidiaries:款减少

应付同系附属公司 Decrease in amounts due to | 款减少 fellow subsidiaries (575) (2,445) | 经营活动之 Net cash outflow from

of subsidiaries:之现金流入净额

Net cash inflow in respect of disposal 有关出售附属公司 | of subsidiaries 之现金流入净额 542 35,534 | (i) Transactions with other state-owned 与其他国有企业之交易

Look at that. He winked:看那里,他眨眼了

$32 in the cash register.|在收银机里有$32 | Look at that. He winked.|看那里,他眨眼了 | What?|什么?

incentive reductions:鼓励性减税

in cash 使用现金 | incentive reductions鼓励性减税 | incentive stock option奖励性购股权

Surpluses on revaluation:直接於权益确认之

Other non-cash expenses 其他非现金开支 14,090 8,863 108 - (420) (294) - 138 4,941 18,175 - - 18,719 26,882 | Surpluses on revaluation 直接於权益确认之 | recognised directly in equity, 重估盈余,

Equity investment reserve:股权投资准备

311103 接受现金捐赠 Cash donation | 311104 股权投资准备 Equity investment reserve | 311105 拨款转入 Transfer-in of appropriations

Share investment reserve:资本公积-股权投资准备

Cash donation accepted 资本公积-接收现金捐赠 | Share investment reserve 资本公积-股权投资准备 | Allocate funds transfer-in 资本公积-拨款转入

dub the foreign film:给外国电影配音

5. 用现金付款 in cash | 6. 给外国电影配音 dub the foreign film | 7. 同意做某事 agree to do sth

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Give Me Some Cash In My Hand
Cash In Your Face
Cash In My Pocket

tape certifier:磁带保证书

磁带认证 tape certification | 磁带保证书 tape certifier | 带通道 tape channel


dust-freeworkshop 无尘车间 | dust-laden 充满尘埃的 | dust-ladenair 有尘空气

Space Chimps:猩戰前傳 動作遊戲

Sonic: Unleashed索尼克:能量釋放 動作冒險遊戲 | Space Chimps猩戰前傳 動作遊戲 | Spectral Force 3 Innocent Rage 聖魔戰記3 無罪的狂熱 策略模擬遊戲