英语人>网络解释>case-dough 相关的网络解释

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与 case-dough 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Worst Case:最坏情况

它不仅可以对模拟电路、数字电路、数/模混合电路等进行直流、交流、瞬态等基本电路特性的分析,而且可以进行蒙托卡诺(Monte Carlo)统计分析,最坏情况(Worst Case)分析、优化设计等复

Worst Case:最差状况

非同步电路与一般传统同步电路最大的不同是在同步化(Synchronization)的方式,一般传统同步电路的是以最差状况(Worst Case)的运作时间来定时脉周期,并以固定周期的时脉执行同步化动作;非同步电路则采用交握的方式产生同步化讯号,

writing case:文具盒

writing brush 毛笔 | writing case 文具盒 | writing chair 扶手椅

case writing:写作案例

learning teacher 师范生 | case writing 写作案例 | in-kind contribution 实物资助

It's like you said, no one's writing about your case anymore:就像你说的 没有人再会写关于你的报道

The top dogs are really pushing for it.|政府高官正在紧逼你的... | It's like you said, no one's writing about your case anymore.|就像你说的 没有人再会写关于你的报道 | We're losing traction.|我们是输的一...

benefactive case:受惠格位

for-dative movement 受惠者賓語移位 | benefactive case 受惠格位 | benefactive aspect 受惠體;受惠式

Because I'm a neurosurgeon and that was clearly a case of "foodal chokage:因为我是神经外科医生,他显然是患了"食道阻塞症

[10:35.865]I don't understand,why... | [10:43.98]Because I'm a neurosurgeon and that was clearly a case of "foodal chokage." 因为我是神经外科医生,他显然是患了"食道阻塞症" | [10:52.147]All right,I gotta...

One case of corrupting a minor:五年前,因猥亵未成年人

White male, age 43, lives alone.|白种人,男性,43岁,独居 | One case of corrupting a minor ...|五年前,因猥亵未成年人 | brought by the DA's office five years ago,|被地检署拘留

experiencer case:经验者格

exclusive disjunction 排它性逻辑 "或" | experiencer case 经验者格 | expert system 专家系统

experiencer case:與格

experiencer 感受者 | experiencer case 與格 | experiential aspect marker 經驗貌標記;經驗式標記

第81/100页 首页 < ... 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 ... > 尾页
Case Closed On Silver Shore
A Case Of You
In Case We Die (Parts 1-4)
In Case You Forgot
In Case You Were Wondering
Bad Case Of Broken Heart
Basket Case
Basket Case
Just In Case
A Case Of You

Proxy Proxy:代理

Protocol: Protocol: 通訊協定: | Proxy Proxy 代理 | Re-request Authorization Re-request Authorization 重新請求批准

insurmountable odds:这里指不可战胜的神话

go before the cameras:开拍 | insurmountable odds:这里指不可战胜的神话 | flick:[俚]电影

24-hour customer helpline:24小时客户服务热线

26. Affinity and cobranded credit cards 亲和卡,联名信用卡 | 27. 24-hour customer helpline 24小时客户服务热线 | 28. Priority banking 优先银行服务