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与 but for 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

How I yearned for her:我是多么渴慕她啊

... but back then,she could really hang a sundress.|... 那时候 她真有够胖的 | How I yearned for her.|我是多么渴慕她啊 | But I refrained because it was your mother's sister.|但我忍住了 因为她是你妈的妹...

But secretly yearns for heaven:却暗地里渴望着天堂

This loathsome gargoyle who burns in hell|这恶心的怪物,在地狱里燃烧 | But secretly yearns for heaven...|却暗地里渴望着天堂 | ...secretly, secretly|暗地里...暗地里

Excuse me, but who are we bringing dildos for:对不起,但是我们要带这假阳具给谁用啊

They even took the goddamn penis cream.|他们甚至还会使用天杀的阴茎增长... | Excuse me, but who are we bringing dildos for?|对不起,但是我们要带这假阳具给谁用啊? | Eli, Chapter 1, Page 1.|伊莱,第一章,第一...

But the channels are also the playground for restless young macaques:水道也是顽皮的小猴子们的游乐场

The troop also uses the waters to cool off during the ... | But the channels are also the playground for restless young macaques.|水道也是顽皮的小猴子们的游乐场 | Some of the young have even taken to u...

But it was a moral victory for the Green Bay Mermen:但在士气方面 是绿湾美人鱼队赢了

-What? -The Lions technically won.|-什么? -技术上... | But it was a moral victory for the Green Bay Mermen.|但在士气方面 是绿湾美人鱼队赢了 | Hi! Will, right? Right, hi. I'm Rachel Greene.|嗨,你是威尔吧...

But Molas don't come here for food:但是MOLA 不到这里来寻找食物

...mostly on a gossamer diet of jellyfish.|最通常的食物是... | But Molas don't come here for food.|但是MOLA 不到这里来寻找食物 | They come here to be cleaned by halfmoon perch.|它们来这里是让半月河鲈给它...

But these socials can't go on for too long:但是这种社交活动不会很长

It's a great way to network while your hands are busy.|这样手在忙活的同时也... | But these socials can't go on for too long.|但是这种社交活动不会很长 | Geladas have a busy daily schedule|狮尾狒全天的日...

She's too sweet-natured to mind, but I mind for her:她心地善良不会介意,但是我会替她介意

- What? - Margaret.|什么 玛格丽特 | She's too sweet-natured to mind, but I mind for her.|她心地善良不会介意,但是我会替她介意 | [Margaret] "All your books now at Howards End.|你所有的书都在霍华德庄园

but in your presence i am lost for words:但在你面前,我无法开口说出

your love is magical, thats how i fee l我感觉得到你爱的神奇 | but in your presence i am lost for words 但在你面前,我无法开口说出 | words like,like, i love you. 就像是,像是这句:我爱你

but in your presence i am lost for words:可你一出现我却梗塞了,说不出话来

Your love is magical, that's how I feel 你的爱是如此的不可思议,这就是给我的感觉 | But in your presence I am lost for words 可你一出现我却梗塞了,说不出话来 | Words like,"I love you" 比如:"我爱你"

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Song For No One (But Myself)
You Probably Couldn't See For The Lights But You Were Staring Straight At Me
There But For Fortune
But Not For Me
Nothing But Love For You
There But For Fortune
But Not For Me
But Not For Me
But For Now
But For The Grace Of God

territorial waters:鍰漆

﹛﹛Term 芩華逤? | ﹛﹛Territorial Waters 鍰漆 | ﹛﹛The Office of the Commissioner of Insurance 悵玸珛潼燴揭


Mesostigmata 中气门亚目 中气亚目 | Mesostoma 中口涡虫属 | Mesosuchia 中鳄亚目

Hit Team:重装警察

新扎师妹 Love Undercover (2002) | 重装警察 Hit Team (2001) | 游园惊梦 Peony Pavilion (2001)