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与 broken 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Wendy,have you ever been dematerialized before? No,I haven't:温迪,你以前被"消失"过吗? - 没有

You're an incredible woman and I say that with all due... | Wendy,have you ever been dematerialized before? No,I haven't.|- 温迪,你以前被"消失"过吗? - 没有 | Ever had your molecules broken up? No,no,I'...

Mask directories:用户本地主页目录下的这些子目录将被屏蔽,不会被上载

Mask file: 以这些为扩展名的文件将被屏蔽,不会被上载. | Mask directories: 用户本地主页目录下的这些子目录将被屏蔽,不会被上载. | Broken resume: 上载断点续传,选中此项在上载过程中将使用断点续传功能.

You disemboweled... Probably while she's still alive:你切开了她的肚子... 似乎是在她还活着的时候

Ermm, waddaya mean near fatal?|呃嗯,几... | You disemboweled... Probably while she's still alive.|你切开了她的肚子... 似乎是在她还活着的时候 | There's blood on her right hand and her wrist is broken.|她...

clouds dissipating:云层消散

clouds breaking 云层散开 | clouds dissipating 云层消散 | clouds rather thin and broken 云层颇为稀薄及疏松

Squad embarking:小队正登舱

As ordered按命令执行 | Squad embarking小队正登舱 | Squad Broken.小队溃散了

A shudder in the loins engenders there:腰股内一阵颤栗.竟从中生出

But feel the strange heart beating where it lies? 感到的唯有其中那奇... | A shudder in the loins engenders there 腰股内一阵颤栗.竟从中生出 | The broken wall, the burning roof and tower 断垣残壁、城楼上的...

She fusses too much about her health:她对自己的健康过份担心

6422. There is sure to be a fuss when my parents find the window is broken. 我父母发现... | 6423. She fusses too much about her health. 她对自己的健康过份担心. | 6424. He made a futile exercise. 他做了...

His words gashed out:他的话滔滔不绝

6925. Oil gashed out from the broken pipe. 油从断裂的管道中喷出来. | 6926. His words gashed out. 他的话滔滔不绝. | 6927. There was a gash of blood from the wound reopening. 伤口再次裂开时血流如注....

This ground harrows well:这块地很好耙

7056. The farmer's harrow was broken during his working. 农夫正在劳动的时候,耙子断... | 7057. This ground harrows well. 这块地很好耙. | 7058. The army harried the enemy's border. 军队不断地袭扰敌方的边...

room for The harrows:为精神的责罚空置

You know hearts can be repeatedly broken 你知道心会重蹈碎裂的覆辙 | ****** room for The harrows 为精神的责罚空置 | I buried my tears my smile your name 我埋葬自己的眼泪和欢颜还有你的姓名

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Morning Has Broken
Broken Open
Broken English
Broken Wings
My Heart Is Broken
Broken Hallelujah
Broken Bones
Broken Wings
Broken Promises For Broken Hearts

execute phase:执行阶段

execute part of cycle 周期的执行部分 | execute phase 执行阶段 | execute statement 执行语句

Preed to die:准备死啦

Ready to kill! 准备好杀戮 | Preed to die! 准备死啦 | Let me serve! 让我牺牲

point elasticity of supply:供給點彈性

point elasticity of demand需求點彈性 | point elasticity of supply供給點彈性 | population control人口控制