英语人>网络解释>both 相关的网络解释
与 both 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

sit down to:(使)坐下来从事,着手进行

(3) Nothing would put her off once she had made up her mind.她一旦作出决定就什么也阻... | 25. sit down to (使)坐下来从事,着手进行 | Both sides are prepared to sit down to long talks.双方都准备进行长时间...

Were arranged to situate along the hill-ridges:列冈峦之体势

桂殿兰宫, Both laurel temples and sandalwood palaces | 列冈峦之体势. Were arranged to situate along the hill-ridges | 披绣闼, With the embroidered gates

Oh! I'd better skedaddle:哦!我得赶紧跑了

All aboard! 全体上车! | Oh! I'd better skedaddle. 哦!我得赶紧跑了. | It was so nice seeing you both. 见到你们俩真好.

AMERICAN SLANG:美国俚语 From 《阿波罗

her pretty head 她美丽的头. | American Slang 美国俚语 From > | Find out how to squeeze every amp out of both of these Goodamn machines.(片中)

Golden snake crazy dance:金蛇狂舞

08、 金色的牧场 Golden color pasture | 09、 金蛇狂舞 Golden snake crazy dance | 10、 双手开出幸福泉 Both hands open good fortune Fuquan

double snapback:双倒扑

双打吃 double atari | 双倒扑 double snapback | 双方 both sides

Dish soap:洗发水不符合 还有肥皂 洗洁精 去污剂也一样

- Or any other kind of deodorant. - What abou... | No to shampoo, bar soap, dish soap, dish detergent.|洗发水不符合 还有肥皂 洗洁精 去污剂也一样 | How about laundry detergent? Maybe they both washed th...

Difference in height of shell soke in same pair:档水沿条高度左右不一致

50.Heel seat lasting allowance not same on both sides. 后跟帮脚内外腰不一致 | 51.Difference in height of shell soke in same pair . 档水沿条高度左右不一致 | 55.Toe box is too soft. 鞋头太软

Sole and exclusive distributor:独家经销商

9. Advance written notice提前书面通知 | 10. Sole and exclusive distributor独家经销商 | 11. Become binding on both parties对双方具有拘束力

l've given a solemn promise never to return to you:我发过绝不回你身边的神圣誓言

[89:25.94]But you are free. We're both free. 可是你是自由的 我们俩都自由了 | [89:27.27]l've given a solemn promise never to return to you. 我发过绝不回你身边的神圣誓言 | [89:29.74]To whom? 对谁发誓?

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Both Sides Now
Both Hands
Both Sides Now
Both Sides Now
Both Sides Now
Both Feet In The Water
Both Of Us
Both Sides Of The Gun
Both Of Us
Both Sides Are Even

Ukrainian Battalion:乌克兰营

Ukraine;乌克兰;; | Ukrainian Battalion;乌克兰营;UKRBAT; | Ukrainian Danube Shipping Company;乌克兰多瑙河船运公司(船运公司);UDP;船运公司

Sierra Nevada pine;Washoe pine:华疏松

矮松 scrub pine;Virginia pine;Yersey pine | 华疏松 Sierra Nevada pine;Washoe pine | 云南松 Burmapine

Bloody Foothills:血腥丘陵

任务奖励:第四幕结束 任务难度:☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ 第五幕:哈洛加斯 任务一:Sige On Harrogath 哈洛加斯围城战与 Larzuk 对话触发此任务.拉苏克(Larzuk)让你杀死 Shenk The Overseer,这家伙龟缩 在血腥丘陵(Bloody Foothills)尽头处.Shenk The Overseer 不难杀,