英语人>网络解释>both 相关的网络解释
与 both 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

rest on one':吃老本

. 城乡信用社 credit corroborative in both urban and ru... | . 吃老本 live on one';s own fat; bask in one';s past glory; rest on one';s laurels | . 持续、稳定、协调发展 sustained, stable and coordinated d...

retrieved from:環球官方迪士尼音樂部落格

17. What's Not To Like 不愛/孟漢娜 | 18. The Best Of Both Worlds: The 2009 Movie Mix 雙面人生(2009電影混音版)/孟漢娜 | ◎retrieved from 環球官方迪士尼音樂部落格

Man, I dig those rhythm and blues:老天,我深深感受到节奏与蓝调

You both kicked off your shoes 你們踢掉鞋子 | Man, I dig those rhythm and blues 老天,我深深感受到節奏與藍調 | I was a lonely teenage broncin' buck 那時的我是個寂寞的年輕人

Man, I dig those rhythm and blues:老天,我真喜歡那些節奏藍調

You both kicked off your shoes 你們倆都踢掉鞋 | Man, I dig those rhythm and blues. 老天,我真喜歡那些節奏藍調 | I was a lonely teenage broncin' buck 我當時是個寂寞的小伙子

Man, I dig those rhythm and blues:伙计,我弄懂了节奏布鲁斯

You both kicked off your shoes在健身房里你踢掉双脚的鞋子 | Man, I dig those rhythm and blues伙计,我弄懂了节奏布鲁斯 | I was a lonely teenage broncin' buck我是孤独的个布鲁克林小年轻

Man, I dig those rhythm and blues:我喜欢节奏布鲁斯

You both kicked off your shoes你们脱了鞋跳 | Man, I dig those rhythm and blues我喜欢节奏布鲁斯 | I was a lonely teenage broncin' buck我曾是个血气方刚的孤独少年

And we'll ride off together:我们一起骑着离开

牐燝et behind me on my horse 到我马后 | 牐燗nd we'll ride off together, 我们一起骑着离开 | 牐燱e'll both go off together." 我们一道离开"

The phone's just going to ring off the hook:电话就会被打爆

As soon as we get the word out,|我们一旦放风出去 | The phone's just going to ring off the hook.|电话就会被打爆 | We'll let both of you know.|我们会通知你们两个

Robert Frost:罗伯特.弗罗斯特

我们各自站在人生的路口,随时都会面临罗伯特 "弗罗斯特(Robert Frost)的艰难选择. 对此,我们也只能无奈地劝慰,"Sorry I could not travel both",结果,一切差别便造成了. 由于道路的迥异,决定了人生是一次自我的旅行. 当我们一个人静淀心情的时候,

by Robert Frost:晏小山

> by 晏小山 by Robert Frost | > 远方枯木断双路 Two roads diverged in a yellow wood | > 惜乎只能择一途 And sorry I could not travel both

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Both Sides Now
Both Hands
Both Sides Now
Both Sides Now
Both Sides Now
Both Feet In The Water
Both Of Us
Both Sides Of The Gun
Both Of Us
Both Sides Are Even

Ukrainian Battalion:乌克兰营

Ukraine;乌克兰;; | Ukrainian Battalion;乌克兰营;UKRBAT; | Ukrainian Danube Shipping Company;乌克兰多瑙河船运公司(船运公司);UDP;船运公司

Sierra Nevada pine;Washoe pine:华疏松

矮松 scrub pine;Virginia pine;Yersey pine | 华疏松 Sierra Nevada pine;Washoe pine | 云南松 Burmapine

Bloody Foothills:血腥丘陵

任务奖励:第四幕结束 任务难度:☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ 第五幕:哈洛加斯 任务一:Sige On Harrogath 哈洛加斯围城战与 Larzuk 对话触发此任务.拉苏克(Larzuk)让你杀死 Shenk The Overseer,这家伙龟缩 在血腥丘陵(Bloody Foothills)尽头处.Shenk The Overseer 不难杀,